
Congratulations Dr. Huang!

🚀 Fully-funded PhD available!

⚡ We're hiring a postdoctoral researcher!

Discussion 'How AI is transforming architecture'

Congratulations Dr. Gao

Welcome Amy!

Best paper award at 3D GeoInfo 2024

🚀 IfcGref v2.0 Released!

Department Lunch Speed-Survey!

Women's Day Quiz!

DEI event: Speed Survey Card Game!

🌟 Teaser alert: ifcgref is coming 🔜

CityJSON v2.0 now an OGC community standard

⚡ We're hiring: one position available as Junior or Postdoc researcher!

Welcome Siham!

CityJSON v2.0 is released 🚀

New version of 3DBAG - LoD2 models for all buildings in The Netherlands - is out!

Singapore Land Authority visits us in Delft!

Welcome Akshay!

CityJSON importer for Revit is released

Welcome Gina!

Welcome Daniele and Daan!


Hello Rhino

Weixiao Gao won the 2nd prize in the CLGE Young Surveyors' Contest

City of Rotterdam building permit checker wins the 2022 DigiDare Award

VOLTA Visitors (September 2022)

Welcome Miguel, Amir, and Jasper!

Thank-you cards

3D BAG receives funding from Horizon Europe for future development!

VOLTA Visitors (August 2022)

Stéphanie Zeoli is visiting us

VOLTA Visitors (May 2022)

3DGI: A spin-off of the 3D Geoinformation Research Group!

First event with our alumni!

Welcome Xiaoxin!

Welcome Lukas!

Two new positions available: Software developer or Junior(postdoc)/Senior Research position

KNVI/KIVI Thesis Awards for Computing and Information Science

3DBAG wins excellence award at Geospatial World Forum 2021

New paper about a benchmark dataset of semantic urban meshes

New release of the 3D BAG is out!

Welcome Nadine, Maarten, and Zhaiyu!

CityJSON v1.0 is now an OGC standard

Amber Mulder wins the Geomatics best thesis award 2020 🥳

The new 3D BAG is released

Our method to generate 3D input data for noise simulations applied to whole country

Welcome Camilo!

Welcome Nail!

Congratulations Dr Kavisha!

Participation in the 2020 3D GeoInfo Conference

Welcome Shenglan, Jordi, and Ivan!

10 new MSc thesis defenses!

First operational EUnet4DBP meeting

val3dity v2.2 is released

Make 3D Easy!

Our course about DTM is open

Welcome Maria!

GeoBIM Benchmark Workshop

VOLTA Visitors

Holiday Decorations! 🎄

Visiting PhD student Zexin!

Welcome Teng!

Participation in the 2019 3D GeoInfo Conference

Welcome Jin!

FOSS4G 2019: Working with 3D city models in Python.

Welcome Thomas!

Paper about incorporating a topological data structure in CityJSON published.

9 MSc theses defences!

New paper about the LandInfra standard and its role in solving the BIM-GIS quagmire.

Geomatics students present their impressive project results on 3D reconstruction of roof details and 3D data for air quality calculations

GeoBIM benchmark open (web)meeting on 8th July 2019

5th meeting EuroSDR GeoBIM project

Paper about CityJSON published in OGDSS journal

New paper about the harmonisation of the OGC standards for the built environment

We are hosting FOSS4GNL

Welcome CityJSON version 1.0.0 🎉

3D input data for noise studies

Start of the GeoBIM benchmark 2019

4th meeting EuroSDR GeoBIM project

Welcome Clara!

MSc thesis defence of Puck Flikweert

Congratulations Dr van den Brink!

Our 3D BAG is added to the 4TU data repository!

Office Holiday Decorations! 🎄

Four new MSc theses in our group

VOLTA secondment from AVT to 3D@TUD

3D GeoInfo 2018 Conference!

3D Geoinfo meets University of Melbourne!

Collaboration agreement signed with Singapore Land Authority!

New paper about the CityGML ADEs

MSc thesis defence of Lessie Ortega-Córdova

Welcome Giorgio!

Geomatics students impress with projects on Sky View Factor and building reconstruction from images

Welcome Francesca!

We are exhibiting at La Biennale, Venice!

We are hosting 3D Geoinfo conference!

Congratulations Dr Peters!

PCP2018 a success

Report on georeferencing of BIM models by Abdoulaye Diakité

Abdoulaye Diakité and Jinjin Yan have left our group

New paper about the validation of 3D GIS primitives

Two new Msc theses completed in our group

Welcome Liangliang!

Semantic enrichment of octree structured point clouds for multi-story 3D pathfinding

Sisi Zlatanova has left and is now at UNSW in Sydney, Australia

Happy Holidays 🎄

Congratulations Dr Liu!

Good start of EuroSDR GeoBIM project!

Software that makes a difference

New position available: Assistant-professor 3D city modelling for urban applications (tenure track)

Jan ten Kate graduated on predicting noise nuisance from music festivals in Amsterdam (graded with a 9.0)

Success on 3D IMGeo: reconstruct it yourself!

Workshop: 3D IMGeo: reconstruct it yourself!

Welcome Patrick!

Filip Biljecki receives EuroSDR Best PhD thesis award

Welcome Weixiao!

Spatial subdivision of complex indoor environments for 3D indoor navigation

The VI-Suite: a set of environmental analysis tools with geospatial data applications

CityJSON: a JSON-based implementation of CityGML, easy-to-use and compact

Two new MSc theses completed in our group

Interview in GIM International

Two journal papers on 4D and nD object manipulation and visualisation

Journal paper on the skeleton-based automatic identification of watercourses from LiDAR point clouds

Journal paper on the first 3D cadastral registration in the Netherlands

Congratulations Dr Biljecki!

PhD defence invitation

PhD symposium with TU München

Successful OGC event in Delft

3D GIS featured in the Urbanism MOOC

Workshop at AMS on 3D geoinformation for smart urban applications

New PhD position available in manipulation of 3D textured meshes of a city

Bijeenkomst 3D omgeving voor Gemeenten

EduServ15 seminar at TU Delft

Welcome Stelios! CityGML help, documentation, tips, example datasets, and tutorials

Effect of acquisition error and LOD on accuracy of spatial analyses

Generating 3D city models without elevation data

New paper about path planning for first responders

New paper about a novel method for edge-matching

UDMV workshop 2016 in Liège

Open datasets created with 3dfier

Very positive review of Ken Arroyo Ohori's PhD thesis

3fier now creates valid IMGeo 2.1.1

Filip Biljecki awarded the "Young Researcher Award in GIScience"

MSc thesis defence of Erik Heeres

New position available: Assistant-professor 3D reconstruction for urban applications (tenure track)

Release of azul - CityGML viewer for Mac

Hugo Ledoux appointed as Associate Professor!

MSc thesis defence of Martijn Koopman

Visit of the First Vice President of ISPRS

MSc thesis defence of Merwin Rook

Welcome Jinjin!

Our group presents 10 papers at the 3D Athens 2016 conference

3D talks: our series of seminars

3DViz 2016- Success!

Welcome Sangmin!

Two papers from our department the most read in IJGIS

EuroSDR Project meeting on Economic value of 3D data

Sneak peek of our ongoing work to reconstruct the Netherlands in 3D

Welcome Anna!

Release of the OGC CityGML Quality Interoperability Experiment Engineering Report

A new MSc thesis completed in our group

The 3D Geoinformation team at the ISPRS Congress 2016 in Prague

Well attended Geo/BIM inspiration session on 14th of June

TU Delft Research Exhibition

Using 3D GIS to estimate population and refine census maps

3D knowledge exchange between TU Delft and Singapore

First EuroSDR 3D city modelling course a success

Welcome Tom!

Special issue on Sensors for Indoor Mapping and Navigation

An improved LOD specification for 3D building models

PhD defence of Ken Arroyo Ohori

Robust approximation of the Medial Axis Transform of LiDAR point clouds as a tool for visualisation

The variants of an LOD of a 3D building model and their influence on spatial analyses

Rights can be registered in 3D in the Netherlands Kadaster since today!

Our 3D cadastral activities in national newspaper!

EduServ14 3D city modelling pre-course seminar

Paul Vincent Kuper from KIT is visiting us

Research visit in Singapore

Interview with Jantien Stoter about our research on 3D data in newspaper of TU Delft (Delta)

The TU Delft is the Geospatial research institution of 2015!

Two new Msc theses related to the processing of massive point clouds

Automatic Update of Road Attributes by Mining GPS Tracks

A scientometric analysis of selected GIScience journals

Applications of 3D City Models - State of the Art Review

A new IJGI paper on indoor path computation among obstacles considering user dimension

EuroSDR workshop "Identifying the Economic Value of 3D"

EUROSDR/ICA NMA-Generalisation workshop

UDMV2015 - a success

3D Geoinfo 2015 (Malaysia)

ISPRS Summer School 2015 (Philippines)

8 new MSc Geomatics students working on 3D topics

Vincent van Altena's MSc thesis awarded with UNIGIS International Academic Excellence Award

Welcome Abdou!

ERC Starters Grant awarded to Jantien

3D Symposium Groningen attracts a lot of attention

Jantien Stoter gives keynote about 3D data at ESRI NL conference

3D city modelling e-learning course at EuroSDR Educational Service 2016

Sisi Zlatanova gave several lectures in Siberia, Russia

Jantien Stoter on Dutch TV to speak about 3DTOP10NL

Welcome Du Xin!

Welcome Kavisha!

Exchange of ideas on 3D city modelling with the Turkish government

New IJGIS paper on the propagation of error in 3D GIS and in estimation of the solar irradiation

Text of the inaugural speech of Prof. Jantien Stoter

New IJGIS paper on the automatic generation of simple indoors from CityGML LOD2 models

Sisi Zlatanova became a co-chair of the CODATA task group on Linked Open Data for Global Disaster risk

Virtual Netherlands meets Virtual Singapore

Visit of Chinese guests in the frame of the Wuhan-TU Delft collaboration

New paper published in IJGI about the 3D+LOD (4D) integration

Two new Msc theses completed in our group

UDMV 2nd call for papers and a LiDAR contest

We have a new secure home (

Li Fangyu is joining our group for 1 year

Jantien Stoter presents about the 3D BGT

Geomatics students visit Prinsenhof

PhD defence of Zhiyong Wang

Our group presented at the FME World Tour 2015

New MSc Geomatics theses topics

The Joint ISPRS WG IV/7 and WG V/4 workshop

Course for the General Commission for Survey of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

UDMV 2015 announcement

Jantien Stoter appointed as vice-chair of OGC 3DIM DWG

EuroSDR 3D SIG holds its working meeting in Dublin

PhD defence of Zhiyong Wang

We're hiring: postdoc position in 3D indoor navigation

Release of masbpy

Visit ITC students for latest development in 3D Cadastre

Release of Solar3Dcity

New visiting researchers

Twitter account of our group

prepair: repairing GIS polygons

OGC standard IndoorGML version 1.0 is released

Release of new CityGML compliant software

List of relevant GIS journals

PhD research featured in GIM International

Hello 3D geo-world