We are happy to announce that, at the Technical Committee meeting in Barcelona in March 2015, Jantien was appointed as the vice-chair of the 3D Information Management Domain Working Group of the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC 3DIM DWG).
The position became available because earlier this year the former vice-chair, Scott Simmon, became Executive Director of the OGC Standards Program. David Graham (CAE, USA) was appointed as the other vice-chair. Carsten Rönsdorf (Ordnance Survey, UK) remains the group’s chair for another period. Apart from her national experiences in 3D gained from daily work in her own organisations (TU Delft, Kadaster, Geonovum), Jantien will bring in the European perspective as chair of the EuroSDR Commission “Data Specifications” and initiator of the EuroSDR 3D Special Interest Group, which consists of 11 European National Mapping Agencies.
The 3DIM Domain Working Group is facilitating the definition and development of interface and encoding standards for software solutions that allow infrastructure owners, builders, emergency responders, community planners, and the travelling public to better manage and navigate complex built environments through 3D GeoInformation.
Here’s Jantien with Scott Simmons and Denise McKenzie from the OGC.