We had the pleasure of organising the 3DViz 2016 workshop on Web-based 3D Geo-Visualization with Cesium Virtual Globe and 3DCityDB . The workshop was a collaborative effort of the 3D Geoinformation group, TU Delft, The Netherlands, PDOK, The Netherlands, and Technical University of Munich. Kanishk Chaturvedi and Zhihang Yao from Technical University of Munich delivered the workshop. Kavisha (PhD Candidate in the 3D Geoinformation group at TU Delft) was the local organizer. We had 26 participants from different organizations including TU Delft, Kadaster, Geonovum, etc and several other companies. The workshop focused on the storage and visualisation of 3D city models, and aimed at sharing associated techniques, methods, use case and points of view.
We thank everyone for joining the workshop!