On 15 March 2017 we have organised a workshop on 3D geoinformation for smart urban applications at the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS).
The aim of the workshop was to bring experts on 3D data for urban applications together and explore potential collaborations. The workshop was organised in relation to the visiting professorship of Prof. Thomas H. Kolbe at TU Delft, and it involved presentations from academia, industry, and government.
AMS is an Amsterdam based public-private institute where talent is educated and engineers, designers, digital engineers and natural/social scientists jointly develop and valorise interdisciplinary metropolitan solutions. TU Delft, together with Wageningen UR and MIT, is a core partner of AMS. Further partners are TNO, Amsterdam Smart City, The Waag Society, City of Boston, KPN, Accenture, Alliander, Cisco, ESA, IBM, Shell, Waternet and La Fabrique de la Cité. Our group is involved in AMS projects and our professor Jantien Stoter is a principal investigator at AMS.