8 new MSc Geomatics students working on 3D topics
Nov 11, 2015

This is the time of the year when the MSc Geomatics students are starting their graduation work. They will work individually on a topic of their choice for 9 months. This year, we’re glad that several of them (8/14!) have chosen a topic related to 3D geoinformation:

  1. Broersen, Tom: Automatic identification of water courses from AHN3
  2. Fichtner, Florian: Subdivision of 3D space to support 3D indoor localization
  3. Heeres, Erik: Creating an automatic, robust and scalable workflow for the creation of the 3D BAG
  4. Kate, Jan ten: Mapping the nuisance caused by music festivals by using 3D modelling
  5. Koopman, Martijn: 3D Path-finding in a voxelized model of indoor environments
  6. Nagelkerke, Tim: 3D Indoor Navigation: Pursuing individuals in motion
  7. Rodenberg, Olivier: 3D navigation using an octree data structure
  8. Rook, Merwin: Automatic thematic and semantic labelling of 3D city models

Good luck to all of them, and we’ll keep you posted on their progress.