Easy3D 2.6.1
No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 CAmbientOcclusionTraditional Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) technique
 CGraph::BaseHandleBase class for all topology types (internally it is basically an index)
 CPointCloud::BaseHandleBase class for topology types (internally it is basically an index)
 CPolyMesh::BaseHandleBase class for all topology types (internally it is basically an index)
 CSurfaceMesh::BaseHandleBase class for all topology types (internally it is basically an index)
 CBasePropertyArrayBase class for a property array
 CCameraA perspective or orthographic camera
 CPolyMesh::CellContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all cells using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CPolyMesh::CellIteratorCell iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all cells
 CClippingPlaneAn implementation of a manipulable clipping plane for visualization of model interiors and cross sections
 CColliderEfficient collision detection
 CConstraintAn interface class for Frame constraints
 CCurve< Point, N, T >Abstract base class for curve fitting/interpolation
 CPrimitivesRansac::CylinderPrimInformation about a cylinder primitive
 CDelaunayBase class for Delaunay triangulation
 CGraph::EdgeAroundVertexCirculatorThis class circulates through all edges connected with a vertex. It also acts as a container-concept for C++11 range-based for loops
 CGraph::EdgeConnectivityThis type stores the edge connectivity
 CGraph::EdgeContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all edges using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CPolyMesh::EdgeContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all edges using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CSurfaceMesh::EdgeContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all edges using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CGraph::EdgeIteratorThis class iterates linearly over all edges
 CPolyMesh::EdgeIteratorEdge iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all edges
 CSurfaceMesh::EdgeIteratorThis class iterates linearly over all edges
 CEigenSolver< MAT, T >An easy-to-use eigen solver
 CElementModel element (e.g., faces, vertices, edges) with optional properties
 CEyeDomeLightingAn implementation of the Eye Dome Lighting (EDL) technique
 CSurfaceMesh::FaceConnectivityThis type stores the face connectivity
 CPolyMesh::FaceContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all faces using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CSurfaceMesh::FaceContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all faces using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CPolyMesh::FaceIteratorFace iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all faces
 CSurfaceMesh::FaceIteratorThis class iterates linearly over all faces
 CFrameCoordinate system, defined by a position and an orientation
 CFramebufferObjectAn implementation of framebuffer object (FBO)
 CFrustumA Frustum description for perspective projection
 CGaussianNoiseAdd Gaussian noise to 3D models
 CGenericBox< DIM, FT >GenericBox represents the bounding box of shapes
 CGenericLine< DIM, FT >A generic line representation, which supports both 2D and 3D lines
 CGenericOrientedLine< FT >OrientedLine implements plucker coordinates, which enables oriented lines to be compared
 CGenericPlane< FT >A 3D Plane of equation a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0
 CGenericRect< FT >The GenericRect class defines a rectangle in the 2D space, where the origin of the coordinate system is located in the top-left corner of the screen
 CGenericSegment< DIM, FT >A generic segmentation representation, which supports both 2D and 3D line segments
 CGraphIOImplementation of file input/output operations for Graph (Currently only PLY format is supported)
 CSurfaceMesh::HalfedgeConnectivityThis type stores the halfedge connectivity
 CSurfaceMesh::HalfedgeContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all halfedges using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CSurfaceMesh::HalfedgeIteratorThis class iterates linearly over all halfedges
 CPolyMesh::HalffaceContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all halffaces using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CPolyMesh::HalfFaceIteratorHalfFace iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all halffaces
 CGraph::BaseHandle::HashHelper structure to be able to use std::unordered_map
 CPointCloud::BaseHandle::HashHelper structure to be able to use std::unordered_map
 CPolyMesh::BaseHandle::HashHelper structure to be able to use std::unordered_map
 CSurfaceMesh::BaseHandle::HashHelper structure to be able to use std::unordered_map
 CImageIOImplementation of file input/output operations for images
 CKdTreeSearchBase class for nearest neighbor search using KdTree
 CKeyFrameInterpolatorA keyframe interpolator for animation generation
 CLineInputStreamInput stream class to operate on ASCII files
 CManipulatorA manipulator is for manipulation of an object
 CMat< N, M, T >Base class for matrix types
 CMat< 2, 2, T >
 CMat< 3, 3, T >
 CMat< 4, 4, T >
 CMatrix< FT >A matrix representation, which supports dynamic sizes
 CModelThe base class of renderable 3D models
 CTriangleMeshKdTree::NearestNeighborNearest neighbor information
 COpenGLTimerAccurate timing of GPU operations
 COpenglUtilUtilities for OpenGL initialization and states query
 COverlappingFacesDetects/Removes duplicate and folding faces for a triangle mesh
 CPickerBase class for picking mechanism
 CPrimitivesRansac::PlanePrimInformation about a plane primitive
 CPlyReaderA general purpose PLY file reader
 CPlyWriterA general purpose PLY file writer
 CPointCloudIOImplementation of file input/output operations for PointCloud
 CPointCloudIO_ptxImplementation of file input/output operations for ASCII Cyclone point cloud export format (PTX)
 CPointCloudIO_vgImplementation of file input/output operations for vertex group (VG) format PointCloud
 CPointCloudNormalsEstimates and reorients point cloud normals
 CPointCloudSimplificationPointCloudSimplification provides various point cloud simplification algorithms
 CPoissonReconstructionPoisson surface reconstruction
 CPolygonPartitionConvex partition of polygons
 CPolyMeshIOImplementation of file input/output operations for PolyMesh
 CPrimitivesRansacExtract primitives from point clouds using RANSAC.Usage example:
 CPrincipalAxes< DIM, FT >Computes the principal axes for a set of 2D or 3D points
 CProgressClientThe base class of GUI element reporting the progress
 CProgressLoggerAn implementation of progress logging mechanism
 CProperty< T >Implementation of a generic property
 CProperty< bool >
 CProperty< double >
 CProperty< easy3d::Graph::EdgeConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::Graph::VertexConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::PolyMesh::CellConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::PolyMesh::EdgeConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::PolyMesh::HalfFaceConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::PolyMesh::VertexConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::SurfaceMesh::FaceConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::SurfaceMesh::Halfedge >
 CProperty< easy3d::SurfaceMesh::HalfedgeConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::SurfaceMesh::Vertex >
 CProperty< easy3d::SurfaceMesh::VertexConnectivity >
 CProperty< easy3d::Vec< 3, float > >
 CProperty< float >
 CProperty< int >
 CProperty< NormalCone >
 CProperty< Points >
 CProperty< Quadric >
 CPropertyContainerImplementation of a generic property container
 CQuat< FT >The Quaternion class represents 3D rotations and orientations
 CRendererA Renderer manages the drawables (and thus the rendering) of a model
 CSelfIntersectionDetects and resolves self-intersection for surface mesh
 CShaderManagerManagement of shader programs
 CShaderProgramOpenGL Shader Compilation
 CShadowShadow implements the standard shadow map (hard shadow) algorithm
 CSignal< Args >A light-weight implementation of the simple signal-slot mechanism
 CSplineCurveFitting< Point, N, T >Spline curve fitting for arbitrary dimensions
 CSplineCurveInterpolation< Point, N, T >Cubic spline curve interpolation for arbitrary dimensions
 CSplineInterpolation< FT >Cubic spline interpolation
 CStateClass representing the rendering state of a drawable
 CStopWatchA high resolution stop watch/timer
 CSurfaceMeshBuilderA helper class for constructing manifold surface mesh models
 CSurfaceMeshComponentA connected component of a SurfaceMesh
 CSurfaceMeshCurvatureCompute per-vertex curvatures, i.e., principle (min, max), mean, Gaussian
 CSurfaceMeshEnumeratorEnumerates connected components for a surface mesh
 CSurfaceMeshFactoryFactory class to generate different types of basic shapes
 CSurfaceMeshFairingA class for implicitly fairing a surface mesh
 CSurfaceMeshFeaturesDetect and mark feature edges based on boundary or dihedral angle
 CSurfaceMeshGeodesicThis class computes geodesic distance from a set of seed vertices
 CSurfaceMeshHoleFillingThis class closes simple holes in a surface mesh
 CSurfaceMeshIOImplementation of file input/output operations for SurfaceMesh
 CSurfaceMeshParameterizationA class for surface parameterization
 CSurfaceMeshPolygonizationMerge connected coplanar faces into a general polygon face
 CSurfaceMeshRemeshingA class for uniform and adaptive surface remeshing
 CSurfaceMeshSamplerSample a surface mesh (near uniformly) into a point cloud
 CSurfaceMeshSimplificationSurface mesh simplification based on approximation error and fairness criteria
 CSurfaceMeshSmoothingA class for Laplacian smoothing
 CSurfaceMeshStitchingStitch coincident border edges of a surface mesh
 CSurfaceMeshSubdivisionSurfaceMeshSubdivision implement several well-known subdivision algorithms
 CSurfaceMeshTetrehedralizationGenerate quality tetrahedralization from closed shells
 CSurfaceMeshTopologyCompute various topological characteristics of a surface mesh component
 CSurfaceMeshTriangulationTriangulate a polygonal mesh into a pure triangle mesh
 CSurfacerA collection of mesh (and polygon soup) processing functions
 CTessellatorTessellator subdivides concave planar polygons, polygons with holes, or polygons with intersecting edges into triangles or simple contours
 CTextMesherGenerate a 3D surface mesh from a text string
 CTextRendererTextRenderer enables quick and easy string rendering in OpenGL applications
 CTextureOpenGL texture
 CTextureManagerManagement of OpenGL textures
 CTimer< Args >A light-weight implementation of the timer mechanism
 CTokenizerA utility class for splitting strings into tokens based on delimiters
 CTranslatorManages the translation of all the models during the file IO
 CTransparencyBase class for rendering with transparency
 CTriangleMeshKdTreeA k-d tree for triangular surface meshes
 CVec< N, T >Base class for vector types. It provides generic functionality for N dimensional vectors
 CGraph::VertexAroundVertexCirculatorThis class circulates through all one-ring neighbors of a vertex. It also acts as a container-concept for C++11 range-based for loops
 CVertexArrayObjectA thin wrapper around an OpenGL Vertex Array Object (VAO)
 CGraph::VertexConnectivityThis type stores the vertex connectivity
 CSurfaceMesh::VertexConnectivityThis type stores the vertex connectivity
 CGraph::VertexContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all vertices using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CPointCloud::VertexContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all vertices using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CPolyMesh::VertexContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all vertices using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CSurfaceMesh::VertexContainerThis helper class is a container for iterating through all vertices using C++11 range-based for-loops
 CVertexCurvatureDiscrete curvature information for a vertex
 CGraph::VertexIteratorThis class iterates linearly over all vertices
 CPointCloud::VertexIteratorThis class iterates linearly over all vertices
 CPolyMesh::VertexIteratorVertex iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all vertices
 CSurfaceMesh::VertexIteratorThis class iterates linearly over all vertices
 CVideoEncoderA class that encodes video frames (e.g., images) into a video file
 CViewerThe built-in Easy3D viewer
 CVoronoiCell3dA data structure for 3D Voronoi cells