Easy3D 2.6.1
No Matches
KeyFrameInterpolator Class Reference

A keyframe interpolator for animation generation. More...

#include <easy3d/renderer/key_frame_interpolator.h>

Public Member Functions

 KeyFrameInterpolator (Frame *frame=nullptr)
 Creates a KeyFrameInterpolator, with frame as associated frame().
virtual ~KeyFrameInterpolator ()
Path creation and modification
bool add_keyframe (const Frame &frame)
 Appends a new keyframe to the path.
bool add_keyframe (const Frame &frame, float time)
 Appends a new keyframe to the path, with its associated time (in seconds).
void delete_last_keyframe ()
 Removes the lastly added keyframe from the path.
void set_keyframe_time (std::size_t index, float t)
 Sets the time corresponding to the index-th keyframe.
void set_keyframe_position (std::size_t index, const vec3 &pos)
 Sets the position of the index-th keyframe.
void set_keyframe_orientation (std::size_t index, const quat &q)
 Sets the orientation of the index-th keyframe.
void delete_path ()
 Removes all keyframes from the path.
Associated Frame
Frameframe () const
 Returns the associated Frame and that is interpolated by the KeyFrameInterpolator.
void set_frame (Frame *const frame)
 Sets the frame() associated to the KeyFrameInterpolator.
Access keyframe and path parameters
std::size_t number_of_keyframes () const
 Returns the number of keyframes used by the interpolation.
Frame keyframe (std::size_t index) const
 Returns the Frame associated with the keyframe at index.
float keyframe_time (std::size_t index) const
 Returns the time corresponding to the index-th keyframe.
const vec3keyframe_position (std::size_t index) const
 Returns the position of the index-th keyframe.
const quatkeyframe_orientation (std::size_t index) const
 Returns the orientation of the index-th keyframe.
float duration () const
 Returns the duration of the KeyFrameInterpolator path, expressed in seconds.
float first_time () const
 Returns the time corresponding to the first keyframe, expressed in seconds.
float last_time () const
 Returns the time corresponding to the last keyframe, expressed in seconds.
bool is_interpolation_started () const
 Returns whether the interpolation is being performed.
void start_interpolation ()
 Starts the interpolation process.
void stop_interpolation ()
 Stops an interpolation started with start_interpolation().
void toggle_interpolation ()
 Calls start_interpolation() or stop_interpolation(), depending on is_interpolation_started().
const std::vector< Frame > & interpolate ()
 Computes and returns all the interpolated frames.
Path drawing
void draw_cameras (const Camera *camera, float camera_width, const vec4 &color=vec4(0.5f, 0.8f, 0.5f, 1.0f))
 Draws the virtual 3D cameras for the keyframes.
void draw_path (const Camera *camera, float thickness=2.0f, const vec4 &color=vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f))
 Draws the interpolated camera path.

Interpolation parameters

Method interpolation_method () const
 Returns the interpolation method.
float interpolation_speed () const
 Returns the current interpolation speed.
int interpolation_period () const
 Returns the current interpolation period, expressed in milliseconds.
int frame_rate () const
 Returns the desired frame rate. Default value is 30.
void set_interpolation_method (Method m)
 Sets the interpolation_method().
void set_interpolation_speed (float speed)
 Sets the interpolation_speed().
void set_frame_rate (int fps)
 Sets the desired frame rate.

File io

Signal frame_interpolated
 Emitted when a frame is interpolated.
Signal interpolation_stopped
 Emitted when the interpolation is stopped.
bool save_keyframes (const std::string &file_name) const
 Saves the camera path to a file.
bool read_keyframes (const std::string &file_name)
 Reads the camera path from a file.

Detailed Description

A keyframe interpolator for animation generation.

A KeyFrameInterpolator holds keyframes (that define a path) and a pointer to a frame (which will be interpolated) of your application. When the user start_interpolation(), the KeyFrameInterpolator regularly updates the frame() position and orientation along the path.

A keyframe is defined by a Frame and a time, expressed in seconds. The time has to be monotonously increasing over keyframes. When interpolation_speed() equals 1.0 (default value), these times correspond to actual user's seconds during interpolation (provided that your main loop is fast enough). The interpolation is then real-time: the keyframes will be reached at their keyframe_time().

When the user start_interpolation(), a timer is started which will update the frame()'s position and orientation every interpolation_period() milliseconds. This update increases the time by interpolation_period() * interpolation_speed() milliseconds. This mechanism ensures that the number of interpolation steps is constant and equal to the total path duration() divided by the interpolation_period() * interpolation_speed(). This is especially useful for benchmarking or movie creation (constant number of snapshots).

During the interpolation, the KeyFrameInterpolator emits a frame_interpolated Signal which will usually be connected to the viewer's update() method. The interpolation is stopped when duration has reached. Another Signal interpolation_stopped will be emitted when the interpolation reaches its end or when the stop_interpolation() method was triggered.

Note that a Camera has a keyframe_interpolator() method, that can be used to drive the Camera along a path, or to restore a saved position (a path made of a single keyframe).

The default duration of any two consecutive keyframes is the same. So for a smoother animation, it is suggested to regularly sample the viewpoints (as equally as possible).
If a Constraint is attached to the frame() (see Frame::constraint()), it should be deactivated before is_interpolation_started(), otherwise the interpolated motion (computed as if there was no constraint) will probably be erroneous.

Animation example:

// the KeyFrameInterpolator kfi is given the camera's frame that it will be driven over time.
kfi = new KeyFrameInterpolator( camera()->frame() );
// ...and so on for all the keyframes.
// starts animation
KeyFrameInterpolator(Frame *frame=nullptr)
Creates a KeyFrameInterpolator, with frame as associated frame().
Definition key_frame_interpolator.cpp:55
Frame * frame() const
Returns the associated Frame and that is interpolated by the KeyFrameInterpolator.
Definition key_frame_interpolator.h:191
Allow edit the duration for each keyframe? (not sure due to many keyframes and can be annoying).

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ Method

enum Method

Interpolation method


Fit a curve to the keyframes.


Interpolate between keyframes.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KeyFrameInterpolator()

KeyFrameInterpolator ( Frame * frame = nullptr)

Creates a KeyFrameInterpolator, with frame as associated frame().

The frame() can be set or changed using set_frame(). The interpolation_speed() and interpolation_period() are set to their default values.

frameThe frame to be associated with the KeyFrameInterpolator.

◆ ~KeyFrameInterpolator()

~KeyFrameInterpolator ( )

Virtual destructor. Clears the keyframe path.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add_keyframe() [1/2]

bool add_keyframe ( const Frame & frame)

Appends a new keyframe to the path.

Same as add_keyframe(const Frame&, float), except that the keyframe_time() is automatically set to previous keyframe_time() plus one second (or 0.0 if there is no previous keyframe).

frameThe frame to be added as a keyframe.
true if the keyframe has been successfully added.

◆ add_keyframe() [2/2]

bool add_keyframe ( const Frame & frame,
float time )

Appends a new keyframe to the path, with its associated time (in seconds).

The path will use the current frame state.

frameThe frame to be added as a keyframe.
timeThe time associated with the keyframe.
true if the keyframe has been successfully added.
The keyframe_time() have to be monotonously increasing over keyframes.

◆ delete_last_keyframe()

void delete_last_keyframe ( )

Removes the lastly added keyframe from the path.

This is the reverse operation of add_keyframe(const Frame&) and add_keyframe(const Frame&, float).

◆ delete_path()

void delete_path ( )

Removes all keyframes from the path.

Upon return, the number_of_keyframes() will return 0.


◆ draw_cameras()

void draw_cameras ( const Camera * camera,
float camera_width,
const vec4 & color = vec4(0.5f, 0.8f, 0.5f, 1.0f) )

Draws the virtual 3D cameras for the keyframes.

cameraThe current camera used by the viewer.
camera_widthControls the size of the cameras. A good value can be 5% of the scene radius, or 10% of the character height (in walking mode), for instance.
colorThe color of the cameras.

◆ draw_path()

void draw_path ( const Camera * camera,
float thickness = 2.0f,
const vec4 & color = vec4(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f) )

Draws the interpolated camera path.

cameraThe current camera used by the viewer.
thicknessThe thickness of the path.
colorThe color of the path.

◆ duration()

float duration ( ) const

Returns the duration of the KeyFrameInterpolator path, expressed in seconds.

The duration simply corresponds to last_time() - first_time(). It returns 0.0 if the path has less than 2 keyframes.

The duration of the path.
See also

◆ first_time()

float first_time ( ) const

Returns the time corresponding to the first keyframe, expressed in seconds.

Returns 0.0 if the path is empty.

The time of the first keyframe.
See also
last_time(), duration(), and keyframe_time().

◆ frame()

Frame * frame ( ) const

Returns the associated Frame and that is interpolated by the KeyFrameInterpolator.

The returned Frame was set using set_frame() or with the KeyFrameInterpolator constructor. When is_interpolation_started(), this Frame's position and orientation will regularly be updated by a timer, so that they follow the KeyFrameInterpolator path.

The associated Frame.
See also

◆ frame_rate()

int frame_rate ( ) const

Returns the desired frame rate. Default value is 30.

The frame_rate() multiplied by interpolation_period() is always equal to 1.0.

The frame rate.

◆ interpolate()

const std::vector< Frame > & interpolate ( )

Computes and returns all the interpolated frames.

A vector of interpolated frames.

◆ interpolation_method()

Method interpolation_method ( ) const

Returns the interpolation method.

Default value is Interpolation (cubic spline interpolation).

The interpolation method.

◆ interpolation_period()

int interpolation_period ( ) const

Returns the current interpolation period, expressed in milliseconds.

The update of the frame() state will be done by a timer at this period when is_interpolation_started(). This period (multiplied by interpolation_speed()) will be added to be the next frame's time. The interpolation_period() multiplied by frame_rate() is always equal to 1.0.

The interpolation period in milliseconds.

◆ interpolation_speed()

float interpolation_speed ( ) const

Returns the current interpolation speed.

Default value is 1.0, which means keyframe_time() will be matched during the interpolation (provided that your main loop is fast enough).

The interpolation speed.

◆ is_interpolation_started()

bool is_interpolation_started ( ) const

Returns whether the interpolation is being performed.

Use start_interpolation(), stop_interpolation() or toggleInterpolation() to modify this state.

true if the interpolation is started, false otherwise.

◆ keyframe()

Frame keyframe ( std::size_t index) const

Returns the Frame associated with the keyframe at index.

The index has to be in the range [0, number_of_keyframes()-1].

indexThe index of the keyframe.
The Frame associated with the keyframe.
See also

◆ keyframe_orientation()

const quat & keyframe_orientation ( std::size_t index) const

Returns the orientation of the index-th keyframe.

The index has to be in the range [0, number_of_keyframes()-1].

indexThe index of the keyframe.
The orientation of the keyframe.
See also

◆ keyframe_position()

const vec3 & keyframe_position ( std::size_t index) const

Returns the position of the index-th keyframe.

The index has to be in the range [0, number_of_keyframes()-1].

indexThe index of the keyframe.
The position of the keyframe.
See also

◆ keyframe_time()

float keyframe_time ( std::size_t index) const

Returns the time corresponding to the index-th keyframe.

The index has to be in the range [0, number_of_keyframes()-1].

indexThe index of the keyframe.
The time corresponding to the keyframe.
See also

◆ last_time()

float last_time ( ) const

Returns the time corresponding to the last keyframe, expressed in seconds.

Returns 0.0 if the path is empty.

The time of the last keyframe.
See also
first_time(), duration(), and keyframe_time().

◆ number_of_keyframes()

std::size_t number_of_keyframes ( ) const

Returns the number of keyframes used by the interpolation.

Use add_keyframe() to add new keyframes.

The number of keyframes.

◆ read_keyframes()

bool read_keyframes ( const std::string & file_name)

Reads the camera path from a file.

file_nameThe name of the file.
true if the keyframes were successfully read.

◆ save_keyframes()

bool save_keyframes ( const std::string & file_name) const

Saves the camera path to a file.

file_nameThe name of the file.
true if the keyframes were successfully saved.

◆ set_frame()

void set_frame ( Frame *const frame)

Sets the frame() associated to the KeyFrameInterpolator.

frameThe frame to be associated with the KeyFrameInterpolator.

◆ set_frame_rate()

void set_frame_rate ( int fps)

Sets the desired frame rate.

fpsThe frame rate.

◆ set_interpolation_method()

void set_interpolation_method ( Method m)

Sets the interpolation_method().

mThe interpolation method.

◆ set_interpolation_speed()

void set_interpolation_speed ( float speed)

Sets the interpolation_speed().

speedThe interpolation speed.

◆ set_keyframe_orientation()

void set_keyframe_orientation ( std::size_t index,
const quat & q )

Sets the orientation of the index-th keyframe.

The index has to be in the range [0, number_of_keyframes()-1].

indexThe index of the keyframe.
qThe orientation to be set for the keyframe.
See also

◆ set_keyframe_position()

void set_keyframe_position ( std::size_t index,
const vec3 & pos )

Sets the position of the index-th keyframe.

The index has to be in the range [0, number_of_keyframes()-1].

indexThe index of the keyframe.
posThe position to be set for the keyframe.
See also

◆ set_keyframe_time()

void set_keyframe_time ( std::size_t index,
float t )

Sets the time corresponding to the index-th keyframe.

The index has to be in the range [0, number_of_keyframes()-1].

indexThe index of the keyframe.
tThe time to be set for the keyframe.
The time t have to be monotonously increasing over keyframes.
See also

◆ start_interpolation()

void start_interpolation ( )

Starts the interpolation process.

A timer is started with an interpolation_period() period that updates the frame()'s position and orientation. is_interpolation_started() will return true until stop_interpolation() or toggleInterpolation() is called.

The keyframes must be defined (see add_keyframe()) before you start_interpolation(), or else the interpolation will naturally immediately stop.

◆ stop_interpolation()

void stop_interpolation ( )

Stops an interpolation started with start_interpolation().

See also
start_interpolation(), is_interpolation_started(), and toggleInterpolation().

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