Easy3D 2.6.1
No Matches
GenericSegment< DIM, FT > Class Template Reference

A generic segmentation representation, which supports both 2D and 3D line segments. More...

#include <easy3d/core/segment.h>

Public Types

typedef Vec< DIM, FT > Point
 The type of the point.
typedef Vec< DIM, FT > Vector
 The type of the vector.
typedef GenericLine< DIM, FT > Line
 The type of the line.
typedef GenericSegment< DIM, FT > thisclass
 The type of this class.

Public Member Functions

 GenericSegment (const Point &s, const Point &t)
 Constructs a line segment from its two end points s and t.
 GenericSegment ()=default
 Default constructor.
const Pointsource () const
 Returns the source end point of this line segment.
const Pointtarget () const
 Returns the target end point of this line segment.
void set_source (const Point &s)
 Sets/Changes the source end point of this line segment.
void set_target (const Point &t)
 Sets/Changes the target end point of this line segment.
Line supporting_line () const
 Returns the supporting line of this line segment.
Vector to_vector () const
 Returns a vector originating from source() and pointing to target().
Point projection (const Point &p) const
 Returns the projection of a point p on the supporting line of this segment.
bool projected_inside (const Point &p) const
 Tests if the projection of a point p is within the two end points of this segment.
FT squared_distance (const Point &p) const
 Returns the squared distance of a point p to this segment.

Detailed Description

template<int DIM, typename FT>
class easy3d::GenericSegment< DIM, FT >

A generic segmentation representation, which supports both 2D and 3D line segments.

Template Parameters
DIMThe dimension of the space (2 or 3).
FTThe scalar type for segment coordinates.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GenericSegment()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
GenericSegment ( const Point & s,
const Point & t )

Constructs a line segment from its two end points s and t.

sThe source end point.
tThe target end point.

Member Function Documentation

◆ projected_inside()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
bool projected_inside ( const Point & p) const

Tests if the projection of a point p is within the two end points of this segment.

pThe point to test.
true if the projection is within the segment, false otherwise.

◆ projection()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
GenericSegment< DIM, FT >::Point projection ( const Point & p) const

Returns the projection of a point p on the supporting line of this segment.

pThe point to project.
The projected point on the supporting line.

◆ set_source()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
void set_source ( const Point & s)

Sets/Changes the source end point of this line segment.

sThe new source end point.

◆ set_target()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
void set_target ( const Point & t)

Sets/Changes the target end point of this line segment.

tThe new target end point.

◆ source()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
const Point & source ( ) const

Returns the source end point of this line segment.

The source end point.

◆ squared_distance()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
FT squared_distance ( const Point & p) const

Returns the squared distance of a point p to this segment.

pThe point to compute the distance to.
The squared distance to the segment. The return the value is the min of the following:
  • the squared distance between p and the supporting_line() of this segment;
  • the squared distance between p and the source() of this segment;
  • the squared distance between p and the target() of this segment.

◆ supporting_line()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
Line supporting_line ( ) const

Returns the supporting line of this line segment.

The supporting line.

◆ target()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
const Point & target ( ) const

Returns the target end point of this line segment.

The target end point.

◆ to_vector()

template<int DIM, typename FT>
Vector to_vector ( ) const

Returns a vector originating from source() and pointing to target().

The vector from source to target.

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