Easy3D 2.5.3
Mat< N, M, T > Class Template Reference

Base class for matrix types. More...

#include <easy3d/core/mat.h>

Public Member Functions

 Mat ()=default
 Default constructor. More...
 Mat (T s)
 Initialized with diagonal as s and others zeros.
template<size_t rN, size_t rM>
 Mat (const Mat< rN, rM, T > &rhs)
 Copy constructor for rN >= N, rM >= M. For smaller incoming matrices (i.e, rN < N, rM < M ) specialization is required in order to fill the remaining elements with appropriate values (usually 0 or 1). rN: Number of rows in rhs. rM: Number of columns in rhs. rhs: rN by rM matrix of type T to copy. NOTE: This is explicit to prevent 'accidental' assignment of differently-sized matrices. TODO: Can this ever actually get called? A templated constructor for a templated class seems dodgy!
 Mat (const T *m)
 Initialize elements from an array of type T.
size_t num_rows () const
 Return the number of rows.
size_t num_columns () const
 Return the number of columns.
Vec< M, T > row (size_t r) const
 Return row r as a vector.
Vec< N, T > col (size_t c) const
 Return col c as a vector.
const T & operator() (size_t r, size_t c) const
 Const row/column access to elements.
T & operator() (size_t r, size_t c)
 Non-const row/column access to elements.
 operator const T * () const
 const array/low-level access to elements.
 operator T* ()
 Non-const array/low-level access to elements.
void load_zero ()
 Set all elements 0.
void load_identity (T s=T(1))
 Set diagonal elements s and others 0.
template<size_t vN>
void set_row (size_t r, const Vec< vN, T > &v)
 Set row r from vector v. This copies the first M components from v, so vN must be >= M. vN: Dimension (number of components) of v.
template<size_t vN>
void set_col (size_t c, const Vec< vN, T > &v)
 Set col c from vector v. This copies the first N components from v, so vN must be >= N. vN: Dimension (number of components) in v.
void swap_rows (size_t a, size_t b)
 Swaps row a with row b.
void swap_cols (size_t a, size_t b)
 Swaps col a with col b.
bool operator== (const Mat< N, M, T > &rhs) const
 Equality test.
bool operator!= (const Mat< N, M, T > &rhs) const
 Inequality test.
template<size_t rM>
Mat< N, rM, T > operator* (const Mat< M, rM, T > &rhs) const
 Matrix-matrix multiplication. rhs must have the same number of rows as this matrix has columns. rM: Columns in rhs. return Matrix of dimensions N x rM.
Mat< N, M, T > operator+ (const Mat< N, M, T > &rhs) const
 Component-wise matrix-matrix addition.
Mat< N, M, T > operator- (const Mat< N, M, T > &rhs) const
 Component-wise matrix-matrix subtraction.
Mat< N, M, T > operator- () const
 Component-wise matrix negation.
Vec< N, T > operator* (const Vec< M, T > &rhs) const
 Matrix-vector multiplication. rhs must have the same number of elements as this matrix has columns. return vec of size N.
Mat< N, M, T > operator* (T rhs) const
 Component-wise matrix-scalar multiplication.
Mat< N, M, T > operator/ (T rhs) const
 Component-wise matrix-scalar division.
Mat< N, M, T > & operator*= (const Mat< N, M, T > &rhs)
 Matrix-matrix multiplication/assignment.
Mat< N, M, T > & operator+= (const Mat< N, M, T > &rhs)
 Component-wise matrix-matrix addition/assignment.
Mat< N, M, T > & operator-= (const Mat< N, M, T > &rhs)
 Component-wise matrix-matrix subtraction/assignment.
Mat< N, M, T > & operator*= (T rhs)
 Component-wise matrix-scalar multiplication/assignment.
Mat< N, M, T > & operator/= (T rhs)
 Component-wise matrix-scalar division/assignment.
Mat< N, M, T > & operator+= (T rhs)
 Component-wise matrix-scalar addition/assignment.
Mat< N, M, T > & operator-= (T rhs)
 Component-wise matrix-scalar subtraction/assignment.

Static Public Member Functions

static Mat< N, M, T > identity ()
 Static constructor return an N x M identity matrix. see also load_identity()

Detailed Description

template<size_t N, size_t M, typename T>
class easy3d::Mat< N, M, T >

Base class for matrix types.

Mat is a base matrix class that provides generic functionality for N by M matrices.

Template Parameters
NThe number of rows in this matrix.
MThe number of columns in this matrix.
TThe scalar type for matrix elements.
: Matrices are stored internally as column-major unless MATRIX_ROW_MAJOR is defined.
Add a transform() method or overload operator* so as to allow matrices to transform vectors that are M-1 in size, as vectors in homogeneous space.
See also
Mat2, Mat3, and Mat4

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ Mat()

Mat ( )

Default constructor.

The matrix elements are intentionally not initialized. This is efficient if the user assigns their values from subsequent computations. Use Mat(T s) to initialize the elements during construction.

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