Easy3D 2.5.3
PoissonReconstruction Class Reference

Poisson surface reconstruction. More...

#include <easy3d/algo/point_cloud_poisson_reconstruction.h>

Public Member Functions

void set_depth (int d)
 Set reconstruction depth. This integer is the maximum depth of the tree that will be used for surface reconstruction. Running at depth d corresponds to solving on a voxel grid whose resolution is no larger than 2^d x 2^d x 2^d. Note that since the reconstructor adapts the octree to the sampling density, the specified reconstruction depth is only an upper bound. The default value for this parameter is 8.
void set_samples_per_node (float s)
 Set the minimum number of samples. This floating point value specifies the minimum number of sample points that should fall within an octree node as the octree construction is adapted to sampling density. For noise-free samples, small values in the range [1.0 - 5.0] can be used. For more noisy samples, larger values in the range [15.0 - 20.0] may be needed to provide a smoother, noise-reduced, reconstruction. The default value is 1.0.
SurfaceMeshapply (const PointCloud *cloud, const std::string &density_attr_name="v:density") const
void set_full_depth (int v)
 Other parameters for Poisson surface reconstruction algorithm. These parameters are usually not needed.
void set_cg_depth (int v)
void set_scale (float v)
void set_point_weight (float v)
void set_gs_iter (int v)
void set_verbose (bool v)

Static Public Member Functions

static SurfaceMeshtrim (SurfaceMesh *mesh, const std::string &density_attr_name, float trim_value, float area_ratio, bool triangulate)
 Trim the reconstructed surface model based on the density attribute.

Detailed Description

Poisson surface reconstruction.


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