Easy3D 2.5.3
SurfaceMeshTriangulation Class Reference

Triangulate a polygonal mesh into a pure triangle mesh. More...

#include <easy3d/algo/surface_mesh_triangulation.h>

Public Types

enum  Objective { MIN_AREA , MAX_ANGLE }
 triangulation objective: find the triangulation that minimizes the sum of squared triangle areas, or the one that maximizes the minimum angle.

Public Member Functions

 SurfaceMeshTriangulation (SurfaceMesh *mesh)
void triangulate (Objective obj=MIN_AREA)
 triangulate all faces
void triangulate (SurfaceMesh::Face f, Objective obj=MIN_AREA)
 triangulate a particular face f

Detailed Description

Triangulate a polygonal mesh into a pure triangle mesh.

Triangulate n-gons into n-2 triangles. Find the triangulation that minimizes the sum of squared triangle areas. See the following paper for more details:

  • Peter Liepa. Filling holes in meshes. SGP, 2003.

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