►Neasy3d | |
►Ngeom | Functions for basic geometric computations |
CVertexCurvature | Discrete curvature information for a vertex |
►Nio | File input/output functionalities |
CElement | Model element (e.g., faces, vertices, edges) with optional properties |
CGenericProperty | Generic property |
CLineInputStream | Input stream class to operate on ASCII files |
CPlyReader | A general purpose PLY file reader |
CPlyWriter | A general purpose PLY file writer |
CPointCloudIO_ptx | Implementation of file input/output operations for ASCII Cyclone point cloud export format (PTX) |
CPointCloudIO_vg | Implementation of file input/output operations for vertex group (VG) format PointCloud |
►Nlogging | The logging mechanism |
CLogger | |
CAmbientOcclusion | Traditional Screen Space Ambient Occlusion (SSAO) technique |
CAverageColorBlending | Transparency effect using average color blending |
CAxisPlaneConstraint | An abstract class for Frame Constraints defined by an axis or a plane |
CBasePropertyArray | Base class for a property array |
CBezier | Class for Bezier curve fitting |
CBSpline | Class for BSpline curve fitting |
CCamera | A perspective or orthographic camera |
CCameraConstraint | An AxisPlaneConstraint defined in the camera coordinate system |
CCatmullRom | Class for CatmullRom curve interpolation |
CClippingPlane | An implementation of a manipulable clipping plane for visualization of model interiors and cross sections |
CCollider | Efficient collision detection |
CConstraint | An interface class for Frame constraints |
CCurve | Abstract base class for curve fitting/interpolation |
CDelaunay | Base class for Delaunay triangulation |
CDelaunay2 | 2D Delaunay triangulation, using Jonathan Richard Shewchuk's "triangle" implementation |
CDelaunay3 | 3D Delaunay triangulation, using Hang Si's tetgen |
CDrawable | The base class for drawable objects. A drawable represent a set of points, line segments, or triangles |
CDualDepthPeeling | Transparency effect using dual depth peeling |
CEigenSolver | An easy-to-use eigen solver |
CEyeDomeLighting | An implementation of the Eye Dome Lighting (EDL) technique |
CFrame | Coordinate system, defined by a position and an orientation |
CFramebufferObject | An implementation of framebuffer object (FBO) |
CFrustum | A Frustum description for perspective projection |
CGaussianNoise | Add Gaussian noise to 3D models |
CGenericBox | GenericBox represents the bounding box of shapes |
CGenericLine | A generic line representation, which supports both 2D and 3D lines |
CGenericOrientedLine | OrientedLine implements plucker coordinates, which enables oriented lines to be compared |
CGenericPlane | A 3D Plane of equation a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0 |
CGenericPolygon | A 2D polygon representation |
CGenericRect | The GenericRect class defines a rectangle in the 2D space, where the origin of the coordinate system is located in the top-left corner of the screen |
CGenericSegment | A generic segmentation representation, which supports both 2D and 3D line segments |
►CGraph | A Graph data structure with easy property management |
►CBaseHandle | Base class for all topology types (internally it is basically an index) |
CHash | Helper structure to be able to use std::unordered_map |
CEdge | This type represents an edge (internally it is basically an index) |
CEdgeAroundVertexCirculator | This class circulates through all edges connected with a vertex. It also acts as a container-concept for C++11 range-based for loops |
CEdgeConnectivity | This type stores the edge connectivity |
CEdgeContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all edges using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CEdgeIterator | This class iterates linearly over all edges |
CEdgeProperty | Edge property of type T |
CModelProperty | Graph property of type T |
CVertex | This type represents a vertex (internally it is basically an index) |
CVertexAroundVertexCirculator | This class circulates through all one-ring neighbors of a vertex. It also acts as a container-concept for C++11 range-based for loops |
CVertexConnectivity | This type stores the vertex connectivity |
CVertexContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all vertices using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CVertexIterator | This class iterates linearly over all vertices |
CVertexProperty | Vertex property of type T |
CGraphIO | Implementation of file input/output operations for Graph (Currently only PLY format is supported) |
CHeap | A class implementing a heap |
CImageIO | Implementation of file input/output operations for images |
CKdTreeSearch | Base class for nearest neighbor search using KdTree |
CKdTreeSearch_ANN | KdTree implementation based on ANN |
CKdTreeSearch_ETH | KdTree implementation based on Richard Keiser's KdTree code |
CKdTreeSearch_FLANN | KdTree implementation based on FLANN |
CKdTreeSearch_NanoFLANN | KdTree implementation based on NanoFLANN |
CKeyFrameInterpolator | A keyframe interpolator for animation generation |
CLinesDrawable | The drawable for rendering a set of line segments, e.g., edges of a mesh, vector fields |
CLinesDrawable2D | The drawable for rendering a set of line segments in the screen space |
CLocalConstraint | An AxisPlaneConstraint defined in the Frame local coordinate system |
CManipulatedCameraFrame | A manipulated frame with camera-specific mouse bindings |
CManipulatedFrame | A Frame that can be rotated and translated using the mouse |
CManipulator | A manipulator is for manipulation of an object |
CMat | Base class for matrix types |
CMat2 | 2 by 2 matrix. Extends Mat with 2D-specific functionality and constructors |
CMat3 | 3 by 3 matrix. Extends Mat with 3D-specific functionality and constructors |
CMat4 | 4 by 4 matrix. Extends Mat with 4D-specific functionality and constructors |
CMatrix | A matrix representation, which supports dynamic sizes |
CModel | The base class of renderable 3D models |
CModelPicker | Implementation of picking mechanism for set of models |
CMultiViewer | A viewer that supports multiple views (arranged in a grid layout) |
COffScreen | Offscreen rendering |
COpenGLTimer | Accurate timing of GPU operations |
COpenglUtil | Utilities for OpenGL initialization and states query |
COverlappingFaces | Detects/Removes duplicate and folding faces for a triangle mesh |
CPicker | Base class for picking mechanism |
►CPointCloud | A data structure for point clouds |
►CBaseHandle | Base class for topology types (internally it is basically an index) |
CHash | Helper structure to be able to use std::unordered_map |
CModelProperty | Cloud property of type T |
CVertex | This type represents a vertex (internally it is basically an index) |
CVertexContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all vertices using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CVertexIterator | This class iterates linearly over all vertices |
CVertexProperty | Vertex property of type T |
CPointCloudIO | Implementation of file input/output operations for PointCloud |
CPointCloudNormals | Estimates and reorients point cloud normals |
CPointCloudPicker | Implementation of picking points from a point cloud |
CPointCloudSimplification | PointCloudSimplification provides various point cloud simplification algorithms |
CPointsDrawable | The drawable for rendering a set of points, e.g., point clouds, vertices of a mesh |
CPoissonReconstruction | Poisson surface reconstruction |
CPolygonPartition | Convex partition of polygons |
►CPolyMesh | Data structure representing a polyhedral mesh |
►CBaseHandle | Base class for all topology types (internally it is basically an index) |
CHash | Helper structure to be able to use std::unordered_map |
CCell | |
CCellConnectivity | |
CCellContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all cells using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CCellIterator | Cell iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all cells |
CCellProperty | Cell property of type T |
CEdge | |
CEdgeConnectivity | |
CEdgeContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all edges using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CEdgeIterator | Edge iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all edges |
CEdgeProperty | Edge property of type T |
CFace | |
CFaceContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all faces using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CFaceIterator | Face iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all faces |
CFaceProperty | Face property of type T |
CHalfFace | |
CHalfFaceConnectivity | |
CHalffaceContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all halffaces using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CHalfFaceIterator | HalfFace iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all halffaces |
CHalfFaceProperty | HalfFace property of type T |
CModelProperty | Model property of type T |
CVertex | |
CVertexConnectivity | |
CVertexContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all vertices using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CVertexIterator | Vertex iterator for PolyMesh. This class iterates linearly over all vertices |
CVertexProperty | Vertex property of type T |
CPolyMeshIO | Implementation of file input/output operations for PolyMesh |
►CPrimitivesRansac | Extract primitives from point clouds using RANSAC.Usage example: |
CCylinderPrim | Information about a cylinder primitive |
CPlanePrim | Information about a plane primitive |
CPrincipalAxes | Computes the principal axes for a set of 2D or 3D points |
CProgressClient | The base class of GUI element reporting the progress |
CProgressLogger | An implementation of progress logging mechanism |
CProperty | Implementation of a generic property |
CPropertyArray | Implementation of a generic property array |
CPropertyContainer | Implementation of a generic property container |
CQuat | The Quaternion class represents 3D rotations and orientations |
CRenderer | A Renderer manages the drawables (and thus the rendering) of a model |
CSelfIntersection | Detects and resolves self-intersection for surface mesh |
CShaderManager | Management of shader programs |
CShaderProgram | OpenGL Shader Compilation |
CShadow | Shadow implements the standard shadow map (hard shadow) algorithm |
CSignal | A light-weight implementation of the simple signal-slot mechanism |
CSoftShadow | An implementation of the Percentage-Closer Soft Shadows |
CSplineCurveFitting | Spline curve fitting for arbitrary dimensions |
CSplineCurveInterpolation | Cubic spline curve interpolation for arbitrary dimensions |
CSplineInterpolation | Cubic spline interpolation |
►CState | Class representing the rendering state of a drawable |
CMaterial | |
CStopWatch | A high resolution stop watch/timer |
►CSurfaceMesh | A halfedge data structure for polygonal meshes of 2-manifold |
►CBaseHandle | Base class for all topology types (internally it is basically an index) |
CHash | Helper structure to be able to use std::unordered_map |
CEdge | |
CEdgeContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all edges using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CEdgeIterator | This class iterates linearly over all edges |
CEdgeProperty | Edge property of type T |
CFace | |
CFaceAroundVertexCirculator | |
CFaceConnectivity | This type stores the face connectivity |
CFaceContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all faces using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CFaceIterator | This class iterates linearly over all faces |
CFaceProperty | Face property of type T |
CHalfedge | This type represents a halfedge (internally it is basically an index) |
CHalfedgeAroundFaceCirculator | |
CHalfedgeAroundVertexCirculator | |
CHalfedgeConnectivity | This type stores the halfedge connectivity |
CHalfedgeContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all halfedges using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CHalfedgeIterator | This class iterates linearly over all halfedges |
CHalfedgeProperty | Halfedge property of type T |
CModelProperty | Mesh property of type T |
CVertex | This type represents a vertex (internally it is basically an index) |
CVertexAroundFaceCirculator | |
CVertexAroundVertexCirculator | |
CVertexConnectivity | This type stores the vertex connectivity |
CVertexContainer | This helper class is a container for iterating through all vertices using C++11 range-based for-loops |
CVertexIterator | This class iterates linearly over all vertices |
CVertexProperty | Vertex property of type T |
CSurfaceMeshBuilder | A helper class for constructing manifold surface mesh models |
CSurfaceMeshComponent | A connected component of a SurfaceMesh |
CSurfaceMeshCurvature | Compute per-vertex curvatures, i.e., principle (min, max), mean, Gaussian |
CSurfaceMeshEnumerator | Enumerates connected components for a surface mesh |
CSurfaceMeshFactory | Factory class to generate different types of basic shapes |
CSurfaceMeshFairing | A class for implicitly fairing a surface mesh |
CSurfaceMeshFeatures | Detect and mark feature edges based on boundary or dihedral angle |
CSurfaceMeshGeodesic | This class computes geodesic distance from a set of seed vertices |
CSurfaceMeshHoleFilling | This class closes simple holes in a surface mesh |
CSurfaceMeshIO | Implementation of file input/output operations for SurfaceMesh |
CSurfaceMeshParameterization | A class for surface parameterization |
CSurfaceMeshPicker | Implementation of picking elements (i.e, vertices, faces, edges) from a surface mesh |
CSurfaceMeshPolygonization | Merge connected coplanar faces into a general polygon face |
CSurfaceMeshRemeshing | A class for uniform and adaptive surface remeshing |
CSurfaceMeshSampler | Sample a surface mesh (near uniformly) into a point cloud |
CSurfaceMeshSimplification | Surface mesh simplification based on approximation error and fairness criteria |
CSurfaceMeshSmoothing | A class for Laplacian smoothing |
CSurfaceMeshStitching | Stitch coincident border edges of a surface mesh |
CSurfaceMeshSubdivision | SurfaceMeshSubdivision implement several well-known subdivision algorithms |
CSurfaceMeshTetrehedralization | Generate quality tetrahedralization from closed shells |
CSurfaceMeshTopology | Compute various topological characteristics of a surface mesh component |
CSurfaceMeshTriangulation | Triangulate a polygonal mesh into a pure triangle mesh |
CSurfacer | A collection of mesh (and polygon soup) processing functions |
►CTessellator | Tessellator subdivides concave planar polygons, polygons with holes, or polygons with intersecting edges into triangles or simple contours |
CVertex | A vertex carries both xyz coordinates and its attributes (e.g., color, texcoord) |
CTextMesher | Generate a 3D surface mesh from a text string |
CTextRenderer | TextRenderer enables quick and easy string rendering in OpenGL applications |
CTexture | OpenGL texture |
CTextureManager | Management of OpenGL textures |
CTimer | A light-weight implementation of the timer mechanism |
CTokenizer | A utility class for splitting strings into tokens based on delimiters |
CTranslator | Manages the translation of all the models during the file IO |
CTransparency | Base class for rendering with transparency |
►CTriangleMeshKdTree | A k-d tree for triangular surface meshes |
CNearestNeighbor | Nearest neighbor information |
CTrianglesDrawable | The drawable for rendering a set of triangles, e.g., the surface of a triangular mesh |
CVec | Base class for vector types. It provides generic functionality for N dimensional vectors |
CVertexArrayObject | A thin wrapper around an OpenGL Vertex Array Object (VAO) |
CVideoEncoder | A class that encodes video frames (e.g., images) into a video file |
CViewer | The built-in Easy3D viewer |
CVoronoiCell3d | A data structure for 3D Voronoi cells |
CWorldConstraint | An AxisPlaneConstraint defined in the world coordinate system |