Data description

In this page, you can find the data used for the benchmark.

Most of the datasets are free to download.

However, to get access to some of them (Myran, Up:Town and Savigliano IFC files), you have to participate in the test and sign a data agreement.

IFC data

Myran IFC model

IFC model

Useful to test the main functionalities of software with IFC models, in Tasks 1, 2 and 4

Up:Town IFC model

IFC model

Useful to test also the computational requirements of software with IFC models, in Tasks 1, 2 and 4

Up:Town IFC model

IFC model

Useful to test software and procedures with an IFC 4 model, in Tasks 1, 2 and 4

Specific IFC geometries

Specific IFC (2x3) geometries
IFC model

Useful to test the functionalities of software related to specific geometries, with IFC (2x3) models, in Tasks 1 and 4

Specific IFC 4 geometries

Specific IFC 4 geometries
IFC model

Useful to test the functionalities of software related to specific geometries, with IFC 4 models, in Tasks 1 and 4

CityGML data

Amsterdam CityGML model

Amsterdam LoD 1
CityGML model

Useful to test also the computational requirements of software with CityGML models, including one only LoD (1), in Tasks 3 and 4

Rotterdam CityGML model

Rotterdam LoD 1 and 2
CityGML model

Useful to test the main functionalities of software with CityGML models, including many Levels of Detail, in Tasks 3 and 4

Buildings in LoD 3

Buildings in LoD 3
CityGML model

Useful to test the functionalities of software with CityGML models, including many LoD 3, in Tasks 3 and 4

Important dates and next steps

March 2019
  • Complete materials available
  • Start of declaration of interest from participants

July 8th, 2019
  • GeoBIM benchmark meeting with participants and proponents

October 31st, 2019
  • Deadline for data processing and benchmark answer submission

December 2nd-3rd, 2019