Specific IFC geometries

Short description

Set of geometries to test specific geometric features in software.

It was modelled specifically for this study by T. Krijnen.

It was exported on 23/02/2019 using IfcOpenShell 0.6

In Figure 1 the schema of the geometries is drawn as reference

Technical details

Name of the file: IFCgeometries.ifc

Used IFC version: 2x3

You can check their characteristics in the following images and video. They derive from different software, since different software read them differently.

Therefore, while making task 1, describe them as they appear in the tested software, and don’t be influenced by the images and video that you see here.

In the final part of the video, the red and green surfaces are mapping the normals directions of the surfaces, indicatively.


You can download the IFCgeometries.ifc data (IFC 2x3) [NEW revised VERSION from 05/09/2019] from this link

Important dates and next steps

March 2019
  • Complete materials available
  • Start of declaration of interest from participants

July 8th, 2019
  • GeoBIM benchmark meeting with participants and proponents

October 31st, 2019
  • Deadline for data processing and benchmark answer submission

December 2nd-3rd, 2019