Attending lectures saves you many hours!

(materials will be available after each lecture. Course calendar)

(grouped by topics)
Introduction to machine learning slides notes (introduction)
Linear regression & gradient descent slides notes (linear regression)
code (gradient descent)
Clustering & nearest neighbor classification slides notes (clustering)
notes (nearest neighbor classification)
Bayesian classification & logistic regression slides notes (Bayesian classification)
notes (logistic regression)
Support vector machine slides notes (SVM)
notes (LagrangianDual)
slides (lab)
code (iris classification)
code (decision boundary visualization)
code (A2 starter code)
Decision trees & random forest slides notes (decision trees & random forest)
notes (data-features-evaluation)
slides (lab)
code (underfitting and overfitting)
Neural networks slides notes (neural networks)
notes (backpropagation)
code (neural networks)
Convolutional neural networks slides notes (CNN)
slides (lab)
code (PyTorch and deep learning)
Guest lecture
Feedback on A2
Info final exam

Copyright @Liangliang Nan. 2021