Time & location: things might change in the last minute, so always check the course calendar.
This is a closed-book exam, but you're allowed to bring a cheatsheet with no more than 3x A4 papers (you can choose to print on both sides, and thus no more than 6 printed pages). You must answer the questions alone without any help from anybody else.
Electronic devices are forbidden, including cell phones, iPads, headphones, laptops, and calculators.
This exam consists of two parts (see example questions):
The total number of points is 110 (including 10 bonus points), and the minimum number of points to pass this exam is 55. Your grade is determined by dividing the total number of obtained points by 10.
Write your answers on the printed exam papers. The provided space is more than sufficient for complete answers. Attention: any text on additional papers will not be considered for grading; irrelevant text in answers may lead to deductions.
If you think a question is ambiguous, mark what you think is the best answer. As always, we will consider written regrade requests if your interpretation of a question differed from what we intended.
Before starting,
You have 2.5 hours. Schedule your time so you can attempt to answer all the questions.
The exam questions are confidential and breaching this confidentiality agreement can be penalized.
Copyright @Liangliang Nan. 2022