Attending lectures saves you many hours!

(materials will be available after each lecture. Course calendar)

(grouped by topics)
Introduction to machine learning BK-IZ U slides notes
Clustering & nearest neighbor classification BK-CZ D slides notes
Linear regression & gradient descent BK-CZ D slides notes
code (GradientDescent)
code (Optimization - 1)
code (Optimization - 2)
Bayesian classification & logistic regression BK-CZ D slides notes (BayesianClassification)
notes (LogisticRegression)
Support vector machine BK-CZ D slides notes (SVM)
notes (Metrics)
code (Standard SVM)
code (Kernels)
Decision trees & random forest BK-CZ D slides notes
code (Classification)
Neural networks BK-CZ D slides notes (NeuralNetworks)
notes (Backpropagation)
Deep learning BK-CZ D slides notes (CNN)
code (CNN)
Summary; Q&A BK-CZ U about final exam

Copyright @Liangliang Nan. 2022