Mar. 29. A few example questions of the final exam can be found here. The final exam will consist similar (but different) questions.
Mar. 28. Our last course meeting will be on Mar. 29 (Tuesday), 13:45 – 15:45, in room BK-IZ U. In this meeting, we will have a quick review of the entire course and show a few example questions for the final exam, followed by Q&A.
Mar. 28. The recordings and slides of today's lectures (including the lab sessions) and code are available.
Mar. 22. The lecture notes on Convolutional Neural Networks is available. It is highly recommended to read it before the lecture(s).
Mar. 18. The recordings and slides of today's lectures (including the lab sessions) and code are available.
Mar. 15. The lecture notes on Neural Networks and Backpropagation are available. Please give a read before the lecture(s).
Mar. 11. The recordings and slides of today's lectures (including the lab sessions) and code are available. Please feel free to use the code as the starting point for A2.
Mar. 9. The lecture notes on Decision trees & random forest are available. Please give a read before the lecture(s).
Mar. 8. The second assignment (A2) on classification is now available (due 25th Mar.). You can download the description of A2 from BrightSpace.
Mar. 4. The recordings and slides of today's lectures and some demo code are available. The lecture note on evaluation metrics for classification is also added.
Mar. 1. The lecture notes on Support Vector Machine are out. Please give a read before the lecture(s).
Feb. 27. The recordings of lectures (on Bayesian classification and logistic regression) have been uploaded to BrightSpace.
Feb. 25. The slides of today's lectures have been uploaded. We unfortunately forgot to record the first lecture (Sorry for this inconvenience!). We will record it and make the recordings available during the weekend.
Feb. 23. The lecture notes on Bayesian classification and logistic regression are available. Check here for all available lecture notes.
Feb. 18. Slides, recordings, and code for today's lectures and lab exercises are now available.
Feb. 15. The lecture notes on linear regression and gradient descent are available. Check here for all available lecture notes.
Feb. 11. The first assignment (A1) on clustering has been released. You can download the description and the dataset from BrightSpace.
Feb. 11. Handout, slides, and recordings of today's lectures (clustering and k-nearest neighbor classification) are available. Check here for the handout and the slides. The lecture recordings are available on BrightSpace.
Feb. 8. Handout, slides, and recordings of today's lectures are available. Check here for the handout and the slides. The lecture recordings are available on BrightSpace → Contents → Lecture Recordings.
Jan. 18. The first lecture will be on Feb. 8 (Tuesday), from 13:45 to 15:45 at room BK-IZ U. If you cannot attend the lecture physically, join it on Zoom. See you soon!
Jan. 17. The course website is online.
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