
Our Group

The 3D geoinformation research group is part of Section Urban Data Science , Delft University of Technology, and is affiliated with AMS, the Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.

The group focuses on technologies underpinning 3D geo-data and the integration with Building Information Models (BIMs) and aims at designing, developing, and implementing open data and open source solutions to model cities, buildings, and landscapes in 3D for environmental and urban studies. Open Science is an important principle of our research. We are also the main provider of education in the MSc Geomatics.

It is a multidisciplinary group of about 25 people, including computer scientists, geomatics engineers, and geographers. It has a history of successful collaborations with the industry and the government: its research has led to software and international standards for the management of 3D geographic information. The staff of the group is active in several international organisations such as the Open Geospatial ConsortiumEuroSDR, and the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Nationally we have strong links to Kadaster and Geonovum.

Our research funding mostly comes from the following organisations:

ERC logo
NWO logo
AMS logo
Kadaster logo
RWS logo
Rijksoverheid logo

Our Location

Room BG.West.550
Building 8 (BK City)
Delft University of Technology
Julianalaan 134
Delft 2628BL
the Netherlands
How to get here

Our Staff

Giorgio  Agugiaro photo

Giorgio Agugiaro


Ken  Arroyo Ohori photo

Ken Arroyo Ohori


Lukas  Beuster photo

Lukas Beuster
PhD candidate


Daniele  Cannatella photo

Daniele Cannatella


Shenglan  Du photo

Shenglan Du
PhD candidate


Siham  EL Yamani photo

Siham EL Yamani
Postdoctoral Researcher

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Weixiao  Gao photo

Weixiao Gao

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Clara  García-Sánchez photo

Clara García-Sánchez

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Amir  Hakim photo

Amir Hakim
Scientific Software Developer and Researcher


Margo van der Helm photo

Margo van der Helm


Nadine  Hobeika photo

Nadine Hobeika
PhD candidate


Nail  Ibrahimli photo

Nail Ibrahimli
PhD candidate


Martine de Jong-Lansbergen photo

Martine de Jong-Lansbergen


Anna  Labetski photo

Anna Labetski
PhD candidate

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Hugo  Ledoux photo

Hugo Ledoux

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Camilo  León-Sánchez photo

Camilo León-Sánchez
PhD candidate

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Miguel  Martin photo

Miguel Martin
Research fellow


Liangliang  Nan photo

Liangliang Nan


Akshay  Patil photo

Akshay Patil


Ivan  Pađen photo

Ivan Pađen
PhD candidate


Maarten  Pronk photo

Maarten Pronk
PhD candidate (external)

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Gina  Stavropoulou photo

Gina Stavropoulou
Data Engineer

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Amy  Sterrenberg photo

Amy Sterrenberg
PhD candidate

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Jantien  Stoter photo

Jantien Stoter

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Daan  van der Heide photo

Daan van der Heide
PhD candidate


Jasper  van der Vaart photo

Jasper van der Vaart
Scientific Software Developer and Researcher


Stelios  Vitalis photo

Stelios Vitalis
PhD candidate

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Academic visitors

Álvaro  Manzano Sevillano photo

Álvaro Manzano Sevillano
PhD candidate (Technical University of Madrid)


Manuel  Orabona photo

Manuel Orabona
PhD candidate (University of Naples Federico II)


Alper  Tunga Akın photo

Alper Tunga Akın
PhD candidate (Karadeniz Technical University)


Ziya  Usta photo

Ziya Usta
Postdoc researcher (Artvin Coruh University)

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Former staff

List of former staff