Siham EL Yamani

Postdoctoral Researcher

I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at TU Delft, where I am working on the development of GeoBIM-based solutions for the Digital Building Permit Check project.

Before I joined TU Delft, I worked as a GIS consultant for urban applications and real estate valuation in Morocco, as a follow-up to my master’s degree in Geomatics and Topographic Engineering from IAV Hassan II Institute (Morocco) and Real Estate valuer diploma from ICH Paris (France). After my industry experience, I was teaching professor at ITSGRT (Institut des Techniciens Spécialisés en Génie Rural et Topographie, Morocco).

From teaching to learning, I embarked as a full-time Joint Ph.D. candidate between the IAV Hassan II Institute (Morocco) and the University of Liege (ULIege, Belgium), working within the Geomatics unit. I also served as teaching assistant at Architecture Faculty where my focus was to perform SCAN-TO-BIM projects based on the SLAM technology.Specifically, I developed 3D property valuation model, from the conceptualization to the BIM and CIM data integrability.

You can read here about my scientific publications which were honored with an IEEE and an EuroSDR awards.
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