Go to the end to download the full example code.
404: Mesh subdivision
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to apply three popular subdivision algorithms to a 3D surface mesh using Easy3D Python bindings:
Catmull-Clark Subdivision
Loop Subdivision
Sqrt3 Subdivision
These subdivision algorithms are useful for smoothing and refining meshes while maintaining their topological properties. The Catmull-Clark algorithm is widely used for quad meshes, the Loop subdivision is ideal for triangular meshes, and the Sqrt3 subdivision is another option for triangular meshes, providing smoother results. We will also visually compare the input and subdivided model using Easy3D’s built-in visualization tools.
Original mesh has 256 vertices and 512 faces.
Subdivided mesh has 1024 vertices and 2048 faces.
# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = '_static/sphx_glr_tutorial_404_mesh_subdivision_thumb.png'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adding Easy3D Python Bindings to the System Path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is required if the bindings are not installed via `pip` but are located in
# a local build directory. For building and installing Python bindings of Easy3D,
# please refer to:
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
sys.path.append("../../cmake-build-release/lib/python") # Update this path to point to your Easy3D build directory.
# Import Easy3D
import easy3d
# Setting `True` will provide detailed output for debugging purposes.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load a Surface Mesh
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# For this tutorial, let's use the torusknot model.
input = easy3d.SurfaceMeshIO.load(easy3d.resource_directory() + "/data/torusknot.obj")
# Print details about the original mesh.
print(f"Original mesh has {input.n_vertices()} vertices and {input.n_faces()} faces.")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Apply Subdivision
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Let's make a copy of the input and apply subdivision on the copied mesh.
output = easy3d.SurfaceMesh(input)
success = easy3d.SurfaceMeshSubdivision.loop(output) # apply Loop subdivision
# success = easy3d.SurfaceMeshSubdivision.catmull_clark(copied_mesh) # apply Catmull-Clark
# success = easy3d.SurfaceMeshSubdivision.sqrt3(copied_mesh) # apply sqrt3
if success:
print(f"Subdivided mesh has {output.n_vertices()} vertices and {output.n_faces()} faces.")
print("Subdivision failed.")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visualize the original mesh and the subdivision result side-by-side using the MultiViewer.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a MultiViewer instance with 1 row and 2 columns.
viewer = easy3d.MultiViewer(1, 2, "Easy3D Viewer - Mesh subdivision")
# Add the original mesh to the viewer and assign it to the first column.
viewer.assign(0, 0, input)
# Add the subdivided mesh to the viewer and assign it to the second column.
viewer.assign(0, 1, output)
# This "/data/torusknot.obj" file contains texture coordinates, and by default
# it will be rendered with the checkboard texture. To better reveal the effect
# of subdivision, let's show them with a uniform color and overlay the edges.
input.renderer().get_triangles_drawable("faces").set_coloring_method(easy3d.State.UNIFORM_COLOR) # Set uniform color rendering.
output.renderer().get_triangles_drawable("faces").set_coloring_method(easy3d.State.UNIFORM_COLOR) # Set uniform color rendering.
input.renderer().get_lines_drawable("edges").set_visible(True) # Set edges/wireframe visible.
output.renderer().get_lines_drawable("edges").set_visible(True) # Set edges/wireframe visible.
# Add instructions for the viewer (optional).
"Left view: Input mesh\n"
"Right view: Subdivision result"
# Launch the viewer
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.607 seconds)