203: Drawables

This tutorial demonstrates how to visualize different types of data using Easy3D’s drawables WITHOUT explicitly defining a 3D model. We’ll cover:

  • Visualizing a set of points with PointsDrawable.

  • Visualizing a set of triangles or a surface using TrianglesDrawable.

  • Visualizing a set of edges/lines using LinesDrawable.

  • Visualizing a set of edges/lines in screen coordinates using LinesDrawable2D.

  • The use of the element buffer (also referred to as the index buffer) in rendering.

  • Running the Easy3D MultiViewer to display the visualizations.


# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = '_static/sphx_glr_tutorial_203_drawables_thumb.png'

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adding Easy3D Python Bindings to the System Path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is required if the bindings are not installed via `pip` but are located in
# a local build directory. For building and installing Python bindings of Easy3D,
# please refer to: https://github.com/LiangliangNan/Easy3D/blob/main/README.md
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
sys.path.append("../../cmake-build-release/lib/python")  # Update this path to point to your Easy3D build directory.

# Importing necessary libraries
import easy3d

import random # for random point generation
import numpy  # for its array

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Initializing Easy3D
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The `easy3d.initialize(False)` function initializes the Easy3D library.
# Use `True` to enable detailed logging, which is useful for debugging.

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setting Up a Multi-View Layout with Easy3D MultiViewer
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create a `MultiViewer` instance with a 2x2 grid layout and a custom window title.
# The MultiViewer allows displaying multiple views in a single window.
viewer = easy3d.MultiViewer(2, 2, "Easy3D Viewer - Drawables")
viewer.set_usage("") # Optional. Just to hide the lengthy manual in console window

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# View (0, 0): A set of random 3D points
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
points = [(random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5), random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5), random.uniform(-0.5, 0.5)) for _ in range(10000)] # Generate 10,000 random 3D points
points_drawable = easy3d.PointsDrawable("points")   # Create a `PointsDrawable` named "points"
points_drawable.update_vertex_buffer(points);       # Upload vertex positions
viewer.add_drawable(points_drawable)                # Add the drawable to the viewer.
viewer.assign(0, 0, points_drawable)                # Assign the drawable to the top-left view (0, 0).
# The three lines below can change the rendering style of PointsDrawable.
# points_drawable.set_impostor_type(easy3d.PointsDrawable.SPHERE)  # Render vertices as spheres. Please try "SURFEL"
# points_drawable.set_point_size(10)  # Set the size of the vertex spheres.
# points_drawable.set_uniform_coloring(easy3d.vec4(1.0, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0))  # Set color (RGBA).

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# View (0, 1): A set of set of triangles (i.e., a surface) representing a unit cube
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# In this tutorial, we use an element/index buffer together with the vertex buffer.
# This is most efficient in terms of memory usage. For example, to render a unique
# cube, we need only 8 vertices.
# Of course, you can use the unindexed approach to avoid using an element/index buffer,
# which is simpler to use by requires more memory. For this approach, you need to
# explicitly duplicate the vertices so that each triangle has its own set of three
# unique vertex positions, rather than sharing vertices between triangles. For the
# unit cube rendering, the unindexed approach will require 36 vertices (each of the
# 12 triangles will require 3 vertices).
cube_vertices = numpy.array([   # Vertices of a unit cube.
    [-0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [0.5, -0.5, -0.5], [0.5, 0.5, -0.5], [-0.5, 0.5, -0.5],
    [-0.5, -0.5,  0.5], [0.5, -0.5,  0.5], [0.5, 0.5,  0.5], [-0.5, 0.5,  0.5],
cube_indices = numpy.array([    # Indices for the 12 triangles (2 per face).
    # Each consecutive 3 indices denote the vertex indices of a triangle face.
    0, 2, 1,    0, 3, 2,    4, 5, 6,    4, 6, 7,    0, 7, 3,    0, 4, 7,
    1, 2, 6,    1, 6, 5,    0, 1, 5,    0, 5, 4,    2, 3, 7,    2, 7, 6,

triangles_drawable = easy3d.TrianglesDrawable("cube")     # Create a `TrianglesDrawable` named "cube"
triangles_drawable.update_vertex_buffer(cube_vertices)    # Upload vertex positions
triangles_drawable.update_element_buffer(cube_indices)    # Upload the vertex indices of the cube faces
# [To try]: uncomment the following two lines to feed data of a bunny to the buffers, so you will see a bunny :-)
# triangles_drawable.update_vertex_buffer(easy3d.bunny_vertices)    # Upload vertex positions
# triangles_drawable.update_element_buffer(easy3d.bunny_indices)    # Upload the vertex indices of bunny faces
viewer.add_drawable(triangles_drawable)  # Add the cube to the viewer
viewer.assign(0, 1, triangles_drawable)  # Assign the cube to the top-right view (0, 1).

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# View (1, 0): A set of 3D line segments
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# In this tutorial, we show the wireframe of the above cube.
wireframe = easy3d.LinesDrawable("wireframe")   # Create a `LinesDrawable` named "wireframe"
wireframe.update_vertex_buffer(cube_vertices)   # Upload vertex positions
# Similar to the TrianglesDrawable explained above, you can avoid using an element/index buffer by
# explicitly duplicating the vertices so that each line/edge has its own set of two unique vertices.
wireframe_indices = numpy.array([  # Indices for the 12 edges of the cube
    # each consecutive two indices denote the vertex indices of a single line/edge.
    0, 1,   1, 2,   2, 3,   3, 0,       # Bottom face edges
    4, 5,   5, 6,   6, 7,   7, 4,       # Top face edges
    0, 4,   1, 5,   2, 6,   3, 7        # Vertical edges connecting top and bottom faces
wireframe.update_element_buffer(wireframe_indices)  # Upload the vertex indices of the cube edges
viewer.add_drawable(wireframe)  # Add the cube to the viewer
viewer.assign(1, 0, wireframe)  # Assign the wireframe to the bottom-left view (1, 0).

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# View (1, 1): A set of 2D line segments defined in the screen space
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
star_vertices = numpy.array([   # The vertices of the star shape (each vertex is a 2D point).
    [505, 480], [411, 104], [317, 480], [600, 245], [223, 245],
    [350, 351], [411, 402], [376, 245], [447, 245], [473, 351]
    ], dtype=numpy.float32)
star = easy3d.LinesDrawable2D("star")   # Create a `LinesDrawable2D` named "star"
star.update_vertex_buffer(star_vertices, viewer.width(), viewer.height())  # Upload vertex positions
# Similar to the TrianglesDrawable explained above, you can avoid using an element/index buffer by
# explicitly duplicating the vertices so that each line/edge has its own set of two unique vertices.
star_indices = numpy.array(     # Indices for the edges of the star.
    # each consecutive two indices denote the vertex indices of a single line/edge.
    [0, 6,   6, 2,   2, 5,   5, 4,   4, 7,   7, 1,   1, 8,   8, 3,   3, 9,   9, 0]
star.update_element_buffer(star_indices)  # Upload vertex indices of the star edges
viewer.add_drawable(star)  # Add the star to the viewer
viewer.assign(1, 1, star)  # Assign the star to the bottom-right view (1, 1).
star.set_uniform_coloring(easy3d.vec4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0))  # Set color (RGBA).

# Running the Viewer

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 3.825 seconds)

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