402: Mesh hole filling

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Easy3D Python bindings to fill small holes in a surface mesh. A “hole” is defined as a boundary loop of manifold vertices in the mesh. We will show how to:

  • Load a 3D mesh.

  • Fill the holes smaller than a given size in the mesh.

  • Visualize the original and modified meshes side-by-side.

Filling holes in 3D meshes is important for applications like:

  • 3D printing: Ensuring the mesh is watertight.

  • Computer graphics: Avoiding rendering artifacts caused by holes.

  • Geometric modeling: Preparing meshes for further processing.

What is a “Hole” in a Mesh? A hole in a mesh is typically represented by a boundary loop, where the vertices are connected but do not form a closed surface. The size of the hole is measured by the number of boundary edges in the loop.

Input mesh has 15447 vertices and 30779 faces
Filling holes with size smaller than 50 edges.
Modified mesh has 15447 vertices and 30779 faces


# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_path = '_static/sphx_glr_tutorial_402_mesh_hole_filling_thumb.png'

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Adding Easy3D Python Bindings to the System Path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is required if the bindings are not installed via `pip` but are located in
# a local build directory. For building and installing Python bindings of Easy3D,
# please refer to: https://github.com/LiangliangNan/Easy3D/blob/main/README.md
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import sys
sys.path.append("../../cmake-build-release/lib/python")  # Update this path to point to your Easy3D build directory.

# Import Easy3D for 3D geometry processing and visualization.
import easy3d

# Initialize Easy3D. You can set `True` for detailed output for debugging.

# Load a 3D surface mesh file using the `SurfaceMeshIO` class. We use the Stanford Bunny.
mesh = easy3d.SurfaceMeshIO.load(easy3d.resource_directory() + "/data/bunny.ply")
# Print details about the loaded mesh.
print(f"Input mesh has {mesh.n_vertices()} vertices and {mesh.n_faces()} faces")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Fill Small Holes in the Mesh
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# To compare the original and modified meshes, we make a copy of the original mesh.
copied_mesh = easy3d.SurfaceMesh(mesh)  # Create a copy for hole filling.

# Initialize the mesh hole filler. We will process the copied mesh.
filler = easy3d.SurfaceMeshHoleFilling(copied_mesh)

# The `SurfaceMeshHoleFilling` class fills all holes smaller than a specified size.
# In this example, we set a hole size threshold (in terms of number of boundary edges).
hole_size_threshold = 50  # Fill holes with a boundary size smaller than 50 edges.
print(f"Filling holes with size smaller than {hole_size_threshold} edges.")

# Print details about the modified mesh after filling holes.
print(f"Modified mesh has {mesh.n_vertices()} vertices and {mesh.n_faces()} faces")

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Visualize the Original and Modified Meshes Side-by-Side
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# Create a MultiViewer instance with 1 row and 2 columns (side-by-side comparison).
viewer = easy3d.MultiViewer(1, 2, "Easy3D Viewer - Mesh hole filling")

# Add the original mesh to the left view (row=0, column=0).
viewer.assign(0, 0, mesh)

# Highlight the holes in the original mesh for better visualization.
holes = mesh.renderer().get_lines_drawable("borders")
holes.set_visible(True)  # Ensure the holes are visible.
holes.set_impostor_type(easy3d.LinesDrawable.CYLINDER)  # Render edges as cylinders.
holes.set_line_width(3)  # Set the width of the hole boundaries.
holes.set_color(easy3d.vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))  # Set hole boundary color to red.

# Add the modified mesh (after hole filling) to the right view (row=0, column=1).
viewer.assign(0, 1, copied_mesh)

# Add instructions for the viewer (optional).
    "Left view: Original mesh with holes highlighted in red\n"
    "Right view: Modified mesh with holes filled"

# Set the camera view direction and up vector for a better view position.
viewer.camera().setViewDirection(easy3d.vec3(0, 0, 1))   # Set the view direction.
viewer.camera().setUpVector(easy3d.vec3(1, 0, 0))        # Set the up vector.

# The bunny model included in Easy3D has a per-face scalar property, which will be rendered by
# default. To better reveal the effect of hole filling, let's show the bunny with a uniform color.

# Launch the viewer.

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Notes for Beginners:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 1. Why is hole filling important?
#    - Filling holes ensures that the mesh is watertight, which is crucial for tasks like 3D printing.
#    - It also prevents rendering artifacts that might appear when holes exist in the mesh.
# 2. What happens during hole filling?
#    - The algorithm identifies boundary loops (holes) in the mesh and fills them, effectively "closing" the surface.
#    - Small holes with a number of edges below the specified threshold are filled automatically.
# 3. Experiment with the `hole_size_threshold` parameter:
#    - Changing the threshold determines how large a hole must be before it is filled.
#    - Larger thresholds fill more holes.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.756 seconds)

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