Easy3D Python Tutorials

Welcome to the Easy3D Python tutorials!

The tutorials (with code) cover various examples showcasing the most useful functions provided by Easy3D, as well as explaining the relevant concepts behind the functions. Easy3D and its tutorials are still under active development. If you would like to contribute, please check here.

101: Data types

101: Data types

102: Point cloud

102: Point cloud

103: Surface mesh

103: Surface mesh

104: Properties

104: Properties

201: Easy3D viewer

201: Easy3D viewer

202: Multi-viewer

202: Multi-viewer

203: Drawables

203: Drawables

204: Imposters

204: Imposters

205: Offscreen rendering

205: Offscreen rendering

206: Text mesher

206: Text mesher

207: Scalar field

207: Scalar field

208: Interactive function

208: Interactive function

301: Normal estimation

301: Normal estimation

302: Surface reconstruction

302: Surface reconstruction

303: Plane extraction

303: Plane extraction

304: Point downsampling

304: Point downsampling

401: Mesh sampling

401: Mesh sampling

402: Mesh hole filling

402: Mesh hole filling

403: Mesh simplification

403: Mesh simplification

404: Mesh subdivision

404: Mesh subdivision

405: Mesh parameterization

405: Mesh parameterization

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