Sensing technologies and mathematics for geomatics

Recent news

Oct 13 hw02 feedback session links to video/slides is on the hw02 page.

Oct 09 Marks for hw02 are up in Brightspace. I will hold a session on Monday 11:45-12:30 if you would like to know more.

Oct 06 Grades for Homework01 are up in Brightspace. We will hold a session on Thursday at 10 am if you would like to know more in the discord channel. If you would like to discuss your grade individually please contact Clara at

Sep 24 Today help for the NDVI-labs and the hw02 was streamed to Twitch

Sep 23 Remember, the videos in Twitch expire after 2 weeks, if you need them write me an email!

All news
week Tue 10:45 Wed 11:15 Fri 10:45 deadlines
1.1 A1 + Z1 Z2 Z2 + help
1.2 A2 A3 + intro hw01 Z3
1.3 A4 help hw01 help hw01 hw01 (2020-09-22)
1.4 B1 B2 + NDVI lab THURSDAY 10:45 + help
1.5 B3 + hw02 help help
1.6 C1 help hw03 C2 hw02 (2020-10-06)
1.8 C3 help hw03
1.9 hw03 (2020-10-27)
1.10 exam (2020-11-2)