Assignment 3: Linear Algebra
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This assignment aims to practice the basic linear algebra skills needed for your future Geomatics courses and to apply some of them to solve practical problems.
- This assignment consists of three parts corresponding to the three lectures on linear algebra respectively. It is highly recommended to work on and finish each part after the corresponding lecture.
- You’re allowed for this assignment to work in a group of 2 (and thus submit only one solution for both of you). You are free to form a group yourself. It’s also fine if you prefer to work alone.
- You are free to use any text editor (e.g., Word, LaTex) for writing your answers. An answer without an explanation is considered invalid! For each question, your answer should include a final result and an explanation of how it is computed. A good explanation can be an equation, intermediate results, texts describing the idea, or any of their combination. We highly encourage expressing ideas with equations.
- What and where to submit? Write your answers and necessary explanation or important intermediate steps in PDF format with a file name “studentID1_familyName1_studentID2_FamilyName2.pdf”. Click here to submit.
- The deadline is 27 October 2020 at 22:59.
- For late submission, 10% will be removed for each day that you are late.
[last updated: 2020-09-28 22:02]