June 2. Slides and addtional reading materials for surface reconstruction have been uploaded here.
May 26. Slides and addtional reading materials for multi-view stereo have been uploaded here.
May 17. Slides for reconstruct 3D geometry and the demo code for image matching have been uploaded.
May 12. Slides for epipolar geometry have been uploaded here.
May 5. The course notes on epipolar geometry are available. Please give a read before the lectures.
May 4. Slides for today's lectures have been uploaded here. A1 has started.
May 1. The lecture notes on camera calibration are available. You're highly encouraged to read it before the lectures.
April 28. The slides and example code on camera models are available here.
April 26. Today's slides have been uploaded here. The lecture notes on camera models are also available. You're highly encouraged to read it before the lectures.
April 24. The course website for the 2023 year is online.
Copyright @Liangliang Nan. 2021