Quantifying inflow and RANS turbulence model form uncertainties for wind engineering flows

Abstract: Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) simulations are often used in the wind engineering practice for the analysis of turbulent bluff body flows. An approach that allows identifying the uncertainty related to the use of reduced-order turbulence models in RANS simulations would significantly increase the confidence in the use of simulation results as a basis for design decisions. In the present study we apply a strategy that enables quantifying these uncertainties by introducing perturbations in the Reynolds stress tensor to simulations of the flow in downtown Oklahoma City. The method is combined with a framework to quantify uncertainties in the inflow wind direction and intensity, and the final result of the UQ approach is compared to field measurement data for the velocity at 13 locations in the downtown area.

Journal: Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics

C. Gorlé, C. García-Sánchez, G. Iaccarino
September 1, 2015


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