Hi there! We are a dynamic group of researchers that work on diverse topics related to fluids in the built environment. Some of us focus on indoor environments, while others look at the overall city perspective.
Here you can find a summary of our latest research and education works.
3d geoinformation conference paper
Wind around beach houses
Wind around beach houses
Score for wind potential
Wind distribution at pedestrian height
Summarizing the current state of the research we perform.
Open-source based programming for post-processing and analysis of results.
Statistic analysis performed to derive solutions from our simulation results.
Open-source software with guidelines for installation and usage, plus demos.
Experience with other coding languages such as R, C++ and Fortran.
All our complete developments are shared publicly, welcoming community usage and development.
Let us know if you had any questions, doubts, curiosities or if you would like to work/collaborate with us.
Contact with us