Courses & Workshops


Modeling wind and dispersion in urban environments (GEO5015)

Wednesday, Sep 15, 2021 by C. García-Sánchez urban flows, CFD, dispersion, pedestrian wind comfort

The course focuses on the modelling of winds and dispersion around 3D city models. The goal is to further the students experience in geomatics knowledge by learning tools with direct application to real urban scenarios. The course covers the necessary fundamentals of fluid dynamics and computational fluid dynamics methodologies to perform simulations in urban environments. The simulations will cover wind predictions and dispersion of pollutants, which can play an essential role when designing and/or improving urban areas to assess and ensure urban sustainability, liveability, energy efficiency and comfort.

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Hands on dakota

Sunday, Aug 15, 2021 by C. García-Sánchez Dakota, Uncertainty Quantification, Hands-on workshop

This workshop was part of the training within the zEPHYR program (Marie Sklodowska-Curie ETN project). The workshop navigates the use of the Dakota tool for uncertainty quantification. An example test case was introduced with one building and Polynomial Chaos Expansion approach with a limited number of evaluations for education purposes. Materials:;

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Other courses coordinated within the Geomatics MSc

Sunday, Aug 15, 2021 by C. García-Sánchez geomatics, coordination

Sideline to the specific scientific courses designed and taught by our group, there are other courses that I coordinate within the MSc Geomatics at the faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. GEO5010: Research Assignment ( GEO2011: Thesis Preparation ( GEO2020: Thesis (

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