Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- v -
- valence() : Graph, SurfaceMesh
- value() : GenericPlane< FT >
- vao() : Drawable
- Vec() : Vec< N, T >
- vector() : Property< T >, PropertyArray< T >
- Vertex() : Graph::Vertex, PointCloud::Vertex, PolyMesh::Vertex, SurfaceMesh::Vertex, Tessellator::Vertex
- vertex() : Delaunay2, Delaunay3, Graph::EdgeAroundVertexCirculator, Graph, Graph::VertexAroundVertexCirculator, PolyMesh, SurfaceMesh, VoronoiCell3d
- vertex_buffer() : Drawable
- vertex_cell() : Delaunay
- vertex_is_infinite() : VoronoiCell3d
- vertex_properties() : Graph, PointCloud, PolyMesh, SurfaceMesh
- vertex_property() : Graph, PointCloud, PolyMesh, SurfaceMesh
- vertex_ptr() : Delaunay
- vertex_tet() : Delaunay3
- vertex_tri() : Delaunay2
- VertexAroundFaceCirculator() : SurfaceMesh::VertexAroundFaceCirculator
- VertexAroundVertexCirculator() : Graph::VertexAroundVertexCirculator, SurfaceMesh::VertexAroundVertexCirculator
- VertexArrayObject() : VertexArrayObject
- VertexContainer() : Graph::VertexContainer, PointCloud::VertexContainer, PolyMesh::VertexContainer, SurfaceMesh::VertexContainer
- VertexIterator() : Graph::VertexIterator, PointCloud::VertexIterator, PolyMesh::VertexIterator, SurfaceMesh::VertexIterator
- VertexProperty() : Graph::VertexProperty< T >, PointCloud::VertexProperty< T >, PolyMesh::VertexProperty< T >, SurfaceMesh::VertexProperty< T >
- vertices() : Frustum, Graph, PointCloud, PolyMesh, SurfaceMesh, SurfaceMeshComponent, Tessellator
- vertices_begin() : Graph, PointCloud, PolyMesh, SurfaceMesh
- vertices_end() : Graph, PointCloud, PolyMesh, SurfaceMesh
- vertices_ptr() : Delaunay
- vertices_size() : Graph, PointCloud, SurfaceMesh
- VideoEncoder() : VideoEncoder
- view_matrix() : Frustum
- viewDirection() : Camera
- Viewer() : Viewer
- viewer_size() : Viewer
- viewport() : OpenglUtil
- virtual_background() : Shadow
- virtual_background_color() : Shadow
- VoronoiCell3d() : VoronoiCell3d