Hugo Ledoux

associate-prof in 3D geoinformation at TU Delft
blog contact protégés publications research slides software

Hello world

I read blogs every day. About everything and nothing (eg Kottke), about technology (Daring Fireball, Guardian tech), about GIS (Mapbox, Sean Gillies, Lin.ear th.inking, Just Objects), about the wonderful world that is academia (Guardian’s Academics Anonymous).

Blogs are one of my main sources of information, and I’ve learned a lot of interesting things over the years. Also, when I search for the solution to a particular technical problem, I often find the solution in a blog. Someone somewhere had the same problem and wrote her solution. Which solves my problem. Great.

So today I’m starting mine. I plan to write about and reflect on different sides of my job. I’ll write about the tools I use daily (PostGIS, Python, QGIS, LaTeX, etc.), about being an academic, about how I used/crunched/analysed a particular datasets, about getting published, etc. Oh, and I also plan to use this tribune to explain to everyone what is so wrong with CityGML1.

Welcome to my blog, hope you’ll enjoy it.

  1. just joking, CityGML is great! 

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