Exam logistics
Date, time and where to upload the exam
The exam will take place on the 2nd of November at 9:00 am, lasting 2h. Before 11:00 am you should have uploaded a PDF file with the exam responses in:
Upload your PDF with answers in the following surfdrive folder
How to name the file?
When you upload the PDF use the following rules for naming the file: YourStudentNumber-exam0.pdf. For example if my student number was 1234, my file would be named: 1234-exam0.pdf.
What should the PDF contain?
The exam will be provided to you in PDF format, you can copy all the questions and reply them afterwards directly, or just refer to the questions numbers and add the responses afterwards. The software you use to create the PDF is up to your choice, as far as you send us in the end a readable PDF file.
Exam rules
The exam is open book, everything is allowed EXCEPT SPEAKING TO OTHERS (for example: you can google, you can use the resources provided in class, the books, etc). Be aware time is limited for the submission.
This is a non-proctored exam, which means we are trusting you not to copy from each other. In order to make sure of this, questions are suffled and different versions of the exam are given to each student.
The exam contains 5 questions per section (5 for statistics, 5 for remote sensing, 5 for algebra), which can be composed by 2/3 single choice questions + 2/3 open-ended questions.
Single choice questions means that only one of the options is correct (no multiple choice is correct), and be aware if you reply wrongly half of the mark weight of that question will be removed. So if the question has a weight of 2 points there are 3 options: +2 points if you get it right, 0 points if you don’t answer, -1 points if you get it wrong.
Open-ended questions can be theoretical or practical, in which case we ask you to perform certain tasks in your computer.
Which parts of the course are at the exam?
- statistics
- remote sensing
- linear algebra
Git, LaTeX, and Linux are not at the exam.
Support during the exam
Due to corona limitations, the exam is online and we unfortunately regret we cannot be in the same room as you while doing the exam. However, we will be in the discord channel for GEO1001 where you can pose questions. We kindly ask you to read all these instructions before the exam, and reach out if any of the guidelines is not clear.