Camilo León-Sánchez

Last update: 14th March 2025




Xu, Longxiang
Large-scale, High-resolution Urban solar potential analysis through semantic 3D city models.
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,
(Main supervision)

Tsai, Bing-Shiuan
Extending the 3D City Database 5.0 to support CityGML application in QGIS.
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,

Koster, Gabriela
Designing a Dutch building energy simulation tool using semantic 3D city models.
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,
(Main supervision)

Poon, Chris
Inferring the residential building type from 3DBAG
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,
(Main supervision)


Montoya Gonzalez, Angie Andrea
Ontología para la infraestructura de datos espaciales marítima, fluvial y costera de Colombia
MSc en Geomática. Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
(Main supervisor)

Mbwanda, Tendai
Further Development of a QGIS Plugin for the CityGML 3D City Database
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,
(Co-supervisor, in cooperation with VirtualCitySystems GmbH, Germany)

Bachert, Carolin
Mapping the Energy Application Domain Extension to CityGML 3.0
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,
(Co-supervision, in cooperation with Technische Universität München, Germany)


Montilla, Maryury
Sistema de navegación personal para el desplazamiento en interiores de usuarios con discapacidad motriz y visual.
MSc en Geomática. Universidad Nacional de Colombia,
(Main supervision)

Pantelios, Konstantinos
Development of a QGIS plugin for the CityGML 3D City Database.
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,
(Main supervisor, in cooperation with VirtualCitySystems GmbH, Germany)

Tufan, Özge
Development and Testing of the Energy Extension for CityJSON.
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,
(Main supervisor)

Yuhzen, Jin
Dynamic energy simulations based on the 3D BAG 2.0.
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,
(Co-supervision, in cooperation with Idiap Research Institute, Switzerland)


Giannelli, Denis
Solar Analysis on Buildings of Favelas in São Paulo to Estimate PV Potential.
MSc Geomatics. Delft University of Technology,


Ramírez Gutiérrez, Miguel Angel
Método para la ortorrectificación de imágenes satelitales monoscópicas de muy alta resolución espacial empleando algoritmos evolutivos.
MSc en Geomática. Universidad Nacional de Colombia,

Ruiz Orjuela, Liliana
Modelo de localización óptima para el sistema de equipamientos de seguridad, convivencia y justicia en Bogotá D.C..
MSc en Geomática. Universidad Nacional de Colombia,