Easy3D 2.6.1
This is the complete list of members for State, including all inherited members.
back_color() const | State | inline |
clamp_lower() const | State | inline |
clamp_range() const | State | inline |
clamp_upper() const | State | inline |
color() const | State | inline |
COLOR_PROPERTY enum value | State | |
coloring_method() const | State | inline |
distinct_back_color() const | State | inline |
EDGE enum value | State | |
enable_ssao(bool b) | State | inline |
FACE enum value | State | |
HALFEDGE enum value | State | |
highlight() const | State | inline |
highlight_range() const | State | inline |
is_selected() const | State | inline |
is_ssao_enabled() const | State | inline |
is_visible() const | State | inline |
lighting() const | State | inline |
lighting_two_sides() const | State | inline |
Location enum name | State | |
material() | State | inline |
material() const | State | inline |
Method enum name | State | |
operator=(const State &rhs) | State | |
plane_clip_discard_primitive() const | State | inline |
property_location() const | State | inline |
property_name() const | State | inline |
SCALAR_FIELD enum value | State | |
set_back_color(const vec4 &c) | State | inline |
set_clamp_lower(float v) | State | inline |
set_clamp_range(bool b) | State | inline |
set_clamp_upper(float v) | State | inline |
set_color(const vec4 &c) | State | inline |
set_coloring(Method method, Location location, const std::string &name) | State | |
set_coloring_method(Method method) | State | inline |
set_distinct_back_color(bool b) | State | inline |
set_highlight(bool b) | State | inline |
set_highlight_range(const std::pair< int, int > &range) | State | inline |
set_lighting(bool l) | State | inline |
set_lighting_two_sides(bool b) | State | inline |
set_material(const Material &m) | State | inline |
set_plane_clip_discard_primitive(bool b) | State | inline |
set_property_coloring(Location color_location, const std::string &color_name="") | State | |
set_scalar_coloring(Location scalar_location, const std::string &scalar_name, const Texture *texture=nullptr, float clamp_lower=0.05f, float clamp_upper=0.05f) | State | |
set_selected(bool b) | State | inline |
set_ssao_texture(unsigned int tex) | State | inline |
set_texture(const Texture *tex) | State | inline |
set_texture_coloring(Location texcoord_location, const std::string &texcoord_name, const Texture *texture=nullptr, float repeat=1.0f, float repeat_fraction=0.0f) | State | |
set_texture_fractional_repeat(float fr) | State | inline |
set_texture_repeat(float r) | State | inline |
set_uniform_coloring(const vec4 &color) | State | |
set_visible(bool v) | State | inline |
State() | State | |
State(const State &s) | State | |
texture() const | State | inline |
texture_fractional_repeat() const | State | inline |
texture_repeat() const | State | inline |
TEXTURED enum value | State | |
UNIFORM_COLOR enum value | State | |
VERTEX enum value | State | |
~State()=default | State | virtual |