About me

Hello, welcome to my page! I'm a PhD candidate at the 3D Geoinformation research group of the Delft University of Technology. I have an MSc in Aeronautical Engineering, specializing in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). My PhD topic is the automatic reconstruction of 3D city models tailored for urban flow simulations. My aim is to make life easier for everyone simulating wind flow, dispersion, or heat transfer in an urban area by shortening the time necessary for geometry preparation and simulation setup.

My research interests include urban CFD, 3D city modelling, computational geometry, uncertainty quantification, and multiphase flows.

I have a peculiar letter 'đ' in my name, read it as 'j' in 'Jumanji'. If you end up having issues with Latex, you can use \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} with {\dj}. Or just replace it with 'd' to make things simpler!


Automatic high-detailed building reconstruction workflow for urban microscale simulations. Ivan Pađen, Ravi Peters, Clara García-Sánchez, and Hugo Ledoux. Building and Environment 265, August 2024.
Should we care about the level of detail in trees when running urban microscale simulations?. Runnan Fu, Ivan Pađen, and Clara García-Sánchez. Sustainable Cities and Society 101, January 2024.
Towards automatic reconstruction of 3D city models tailored for urban flow simulations. Ivan Pađen, Clara García-Sánchez and Hugo Ledoux. Frontiers in Built Environment 8, August 2022.
Numerical aerodynamics and aeroacoustics predictions of a drone under real urban environments. Rémy Atassi, Ivan Pađen, Yunusi Fuerkaiti, Ignacio Gonzalez-Martino, Damiano Casalino and Clara García-Sánchez. Conference: QUIET DRONES Second International e-Symposium on UAV/UAS Noise, June 2022.
The impact of level of detail in 3D city models for CFD-based wind flow simulations. Clara García-Sánchez, Stelios Vitalis, Ivan Pađen and Jantien Stoter. Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci. XLVI-4/W4-2021, October 2021.
Numerical modeling of spray secondary atomization with the Euler-Eulerian multi-fluid approach. Ivan Pađen, Zvonimir Petranović, Wilfried Edelbauer and Milan Vujanović. Computers & Fluids 222, May 2021.

Supervised Theses

Comparing the impacts of geometry level of detail in computational wind engineering with on-site urban measurements. Pinelopi Kountouri. Master's thesis, Delft University of Technology. April 2023.
Modeling tree topology effects on wind. Runnan Fu. Master's thesis, Delft University of Technology. June 2022.
CFD, sensitivity analysis and optimisation to promote the formation of dunes. Nadine Hobeika. Master's thesis, Delft University of Technology. July 2021.
The effects of beach house configurations on dune-ward sediment transport. Vera Stevers. Master's thesis, Delft University of Technology. July 2021.


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