Documentation for fieldgml

Complex Type: ValueArrayPropertyType

[Table of contents]

Super-types: None
Sub-types: None
Name ValueArrayPropertyType
Abstract no
Documentation GML property which refers to, or contains, a set of homogeneously typed Values.
XML Instance Representation
Start Group: gml:Value [1..*]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<gml:Boolean> ... </gml:Boolean> [1]
<gml:Category> ... </gml:Category> [1]
<gml:Quantity> ... </gml:Quantity> [1]
<gml:Count> ... </gml:Count> [1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<gml:BooleanList> ... </gml:BooleanList> [1]
<gml:CategoryList> ... </gml:CategoryList> [1]
<gml:QuantityList> ... </gml:QuantityList> [1]
<gml:CountList> ... </gml:CountList> [1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<gml:CategoryExtent> ... </gml:CategoryExtent> [1]
<gml:QuantityExtent> ... </gml:QuantityExtent> [1]
<gml:CountExtent> ... </gml:CountExtent> [1]
End Choice
<gml:CompositeValue> ... </gml:CompositeValue> [1]
End Choice
<gml:_Object> ... </gml:_Object> [1]
<gml:Null> ... </gml:Null> [1]
End Choice
End Group: gml:Value
Schema Component Representation
<complexType name="ValueArrayPropertyType">
<group ref=" gml:Value " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>