Documentation for fieldgml

Model Group: Value

[Table of contents]

Name Value
Documentation Utility choice group which unifies generic Values defined in this schema document with Geometry and Temporal objects and the Measures described above, so that any of these may be used within aggregate Values.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
Start Choice [1]
<gml:Boolean> ... </gml:Boolean> [1]
<gml:Category> ... </gml:Category> [1]
<gml:Quantity> ... </gml:Quantity> [1]
<gml:Count> ... </gml:Count> [1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<gml:BooleanList> ... </gml:BooleanList> [1]
<gml:CategoryList> ... </gml:CategoryList> [1]
<gml:QuantityList> ... </gml:QuantityList> [1]
<gml:CountList> ... </gml:CountList> [1]
End Choice
Start Choice [1]
<gml:CategoryExtent> ... </gml:CategoryExtent> [1]
<gml:QuantityExtent> ... </gml:QuantityExtent> [1]
<gml:CountExtent> ... </gml:CountExtent> [1]
End Choice
<gml:CompositeValue> ... </gml:CompositeValue> [1]
End Choice
<gml:_Object> ... </gml:_Object> [1]
<gml:Null> ... </gml:Null> [1]
End Choice
h1387773488 h-1129867717 h-574303990
Schema Component Representation
<group name="Value">
<-- <element ref="gml:_Value"/> -->
<group ref=" gml:ValueObject "/>
<element ref=" gml:_Object "/>
<-- <element ref="gml:_Geometry"/> <element ref="gml:_TimeObject"/> -->
<element ref=" gml:Null "/>