Documentation for fieldgml

Element: _GeneralConversion

[Table of contents]

  • This element can be used wherever the following element is referenced:
  • The following elements can be used wherever this element is referenced:
Name _GeneralConversion
Type gml:AbstractGeneralConversionType
Nillable no
Abstract yes
Logical Diagram
h1093078311 h-213776969 h156201767 h-807422288 h-532544218 h-589917359 h789079305
XML Instance Representation
<gml:metaDataProperty> ... </gml:metaDataProperty> [0..*]
<gml:coordinateOperationName> ... </gml:coordinateOperationName> [1]
<gml:coordinateOperationID> ... </gml:coordinateOperationID> [0..*]
<gml:remarks> ... </gml:remarks> [0..1]
<gml:validArea> ... </gml:validArea> [0..1]
<gml:scope> ... </gml:scope> [0..1]
<gml:_positionalAccuracy> ... </gml:_positionalAccuracy> [0..*]
h-1373032213 h485909081
Schema Component Representation
<element name="_GeneralConversion" type=" gml:AbstractGeneralConversionType " abstract="true" substitutionGroup="gml:_Operation"/>