Documentation for fieldgml

Element: validArea

[Table of contents]

Name validArea
Type gml:ExtentType
Nillable no
Abstract no
Documentation Area or region in which this CRS object is valid.
Logical Diagram
h-129865927 h-368961053 h368486543
XML Instance Representation
<gml:description> ... </gml:description> [0..1]

'Description of spatial and/or temporal extent of this object.'

Start Choice [1]

'Geographic domain of this reference system object.'

<gml:boundingBox> ... </gml:boundingBox> [0..*]

'Unordered list of bounding boxes (or envelopes) whose union describes the spatial domain of this object.'

<gml:boundingPolygon> ... </gml:boundingPolygon> [0..*]

'Unordered list of bounding polygons whose union describes the spatial domain of this object.'

End Choice
<gml:verticalExtent> ... </gml:verticalExtent> [0..*]

'Unordered list of vertical intervals whose union describes the spatial domain of this object.'

<gml:temporalExtent> ... </gml:temporalExtent> [0..*]

'Unordered list of time periods whose union describes the spatial domain of this object.'

h-129865927 h332615876 h1218184115 h-368961053 h368486543
Schema Component Representation
<element name="validArea" type=" gml:ExtentType "/>