Final exam

The average is 55% (median=54%; max=86%; min=15%).

If you want to see your final exam and see the solutions and ask questions, I have organised a session just before one of your lecture next week:

Final mark

The final marks for OSIRIS are shown in the Marks page.

A 5.0 means a fail, and you need to do one (or both) of the resits. The instructions for those will be made available next week, there is one resit for the assignments (you’ll have ~8 weeks to do it) and one resit for the exam (at the end of Q3). I’ll post the info here on this website.

See the rules of the course for the resits.

Feedback hw03

See Feedback hw03 for all the details.

I’ll send later today/tomorrow on discord the feedback + annotated PDF to one member of each team, please forward it to your colleagues.