Apr. 14. The final grades (and also the marks for the final exam) have been published on BrightSpace. If you any questions, please contact me before April. 23rd.
Apr. 7. More details about the final exam is online here. Good luck!
Mar. 30. Slides and recordings for the last meeting of the course (review of all the lectures, assessment, example questions of the final exam, common mistakes/issues of A2) are available online. Checkout them here.
Mar. 26. You should have received the feedback on A2. Let me know if this is not the case. We will discuss the common mistakes/issues/suggestions next Tudesday afternoon, in our scheduled lecture time.
Mar. 26. Slides, lecture recordings, and exercise material for Lecture 8 (Machine learning) have been uploaded. Checkout them here.
Mar. 25. The 3rd assignment 'A3_Reconstruction' has started. The deadline is 23:59, Apr. 5. We will communite to you the feedback on A2 as soon as possible.
Mar. 19. Slides, handout, and lecture recordings for Lecture 7 (Surface reconstruction) have been uploaded. Checkout them here.
Mar. 12. Slides, handout, and lecture recordings for Lecture 6 (Multi-view Stereo) are available. Checkout them here.
Mar. 10. The feedback on A1 has been sent to you individually. If not, or if you have any questions, please let us know. For those asked to resubmit, please revise your work and submit the revision before Mar.16.
Mar. 7. An error has been fixed in the handout on Epipolar Geometry. Please update.
Mar. 6. The viewer of A2 has been improved, which can now visualize the second image in the 3D space. With the new viewer, the reconstructed 3D points should align perfectly with the image points using the recovered camera extrinsic parameters. This may help to validate your results (but it is still Okay to use the old one).
Mar. 5. A1 is due today. You can start working on 'A2_Triangulation'.
Mar. 5. Course materials for Lecture 5 (Reconstruct 3D Geometry) are available. Checkout them here.
Mar. 4. Handout on 'Reconstruct 3D Geometry' is available. This is one of the most interesting and exciting parts in 3DV. Please give a read before the lecture.
Mar. 3. The second assignment 'A2_Triangulation' (i.e., reconstructing 3D geometry from corresponding image points) is available. This one is expected to take more time than calibration, so it will be wise to start early.
Feb. 26. Handout, slides, and recording of lecture 4 are available. Checkout here.
Feb. 19. Handout, slides, and recording of lecture 3 are available. Checkout here.
Feb. 16. The recording of the lab session on "How to build a C++ program from source code" has been uploaded.
Feb. 15. We will have a lab session this Tuesday afternoon (13:45 - 15:30) on Zoom. The topic is about How to build a C++ program from source code.
Feb. 13. Assignment 1 has been updated (i.e., fixed a few typos and added more comments and explanations to the code). Please update here.
Feb. 12. Handout, slides, and recording of lecture 2 are available. Checkout here.
Feb. 9. Recording of lecture 1 has been uploaded to BrightSpace. Click here.
Feb. 9, 13:45 - 15:30. First lecture on Zoom: https://tudelft.zoom.us/j/94916897962
Feb. 3. The course website is online.
Copyright @Liangliang Nan. 2021