Linear Algebra
- Gilbert Strang
- Introduction to Linear Algebra
- Gilbert Strang
- Linear Algebra and Learning from Data
- Schaum’s Outline of Linear Algebra
Machine Learning
- Christopher M. Bishop - Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Kevin P. Murphy - Machine Learning: A Probabilistic Perspective
- Stephen Boyd - Convex Optimization
Multiple View Geometry
- Richard Hartley and Andrew Zisserman
- Multiple View Geometry in computer vision
- Yi Ma
- An Invitation to 3-D Vision: From Images to Geometric Models
Computer Vision
- Richard Szeliski - Computer Vision: Algorithms and Applications
- David Forsyth and Jean Ponce - Computer Vision: A Modern Approach
- Christopher Essex and Robert A. Adams - Calculus: A Complete Course
- James Stewart - Calculus
Paul’s Notes on Calculus
Deep Learning
- Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, and Aaron Courville - Deep Learning
- Alfredo Canziani, Yann Lecun - Deep Learning, an Energy Perspective (early draft expected 2022 summer)
Computer Science
- Thomas cormen
- Introduction to Algorithms
- Kenneth Rosen - Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications
Online Lectures
Linear Algebra
Machine Learning
Multiple View Geometry and Photogrammetry
Computer Vision
Deep Learning
Fiction books
- Leo Tolstoy - what man lives by
- Yu Hua - to live
- Kurban Said - ali and nino
- Haruki Murakami - norwegian wood
- Mikhail Bulgakov - heart of a dog
- Stefan Zweig - fantastic night
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry - the little prince
- Chinghiz Aitmatov - the white ship
- Chinghiz Aitmatov - the day lasts more than a hundred years
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez - one hundred years of solitude
- Gabriel Garcia Marquez - memories of my melancholy whores
- Arthur Golden - memoirs of a geisha
- Dale Carnegie - how to win friends and influence people
- George Orwell - 1984
- George Orwell - animal farm
- William Golding - lord of the flies
- Friedrich Nietzsche - thus spoke zarathustra
- Franz Kafka - the metamorphosis
- Anton Chekhov - ward no. 6
- Arthur Schopenhauer - metaphysics of love
- Harper Lee - to kill a mockingbird