Easy3D 2.6.1
No Matches
TextRenderer Member List

This is the complete list of members for TextRenderer, including all inherited members.

add_font(const std::string &font_file)TextRenderer
Align enum nameTextRenderer
ALIGN_CENTER enum valueTextRenderer
ALIGN_LEFT enum valueTextRenderer
ALIGN_RIGHT enum valueTextRenderer
character_spacing() constTextRenderer
draw(const std::string &text, float x, float y, float font_size, int font_id=0, const vec3 &font_color=vec3(0, 0, 0), bool upper_left=true) constTextRenderer
draw(const std::string &text, float x, float y, float font_size, Align align, int font_id=0, const vec3 &font_color=vec3(0, 0, 0), float line_spacing=0.0f, bool upper_left=true) constTextRenderer
font_height(float font_size) constTextRenderer
font_names() constTextRendererinline
kerning() constTextRenderer
num_fonts() constTextRendererinline
set_character_spacing(float spacing)TextRenderer
set_kerning(bool kerning)TextRenderer
string_bounding_rect(const std::string &str, float x, float y, float font_size) constTextRenderer
string_height(const std::string &str, float font_size) constTextRenderer
string_width(const std::string &str, float font_size) constTextRenderer
TextRenderer(float dpi_scale=1.0f, int texture_size=512, bool mipmaps=false)TextRendererexplicit