Documentation for fieldgml

Complex Type: ConventionalUnitType

[Table of contents]

Super-types: gml:DefinitionType < UnitDefinitionType (by extension) < ConventionalUnitType (by extension)
Sub-types: None
Name ConventionalUnitType
Abstract no
Documentation Definition of a unit of measure which is related to a preferred unit for this quantity type through a conversion formula. A method for deriving this unit by algebraic combination of more primitive units, may also be provided.
XML Instance Representation
<gml:description> ... </gml:description> [0..1]
<gml:name> ... </gml:name> [1..*]
Start Choice [1]
End Choice
Schema Component Representation
<complexType name="ConventionalUnitType">
<extension base=" gml:UnitDefinitionType ">
<element ref=" gml:conversionToPreferredUnit "/>
<element ref=" gml:derivationUnitTerm " minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>