Documentation for fieldgml

Model Group: geometricPositionListGroup

[Table of contents]

Name geometricPositionListGroup
Documentation A list of geometric positions represented either by a DirectPosition or a Point.
XML Instance Representation
Start Choice [1]
<gml:posList> ... </gml:posList> [1]
Start Group: gml:geometricPositionGroup [1..*]
Start Choice [1]
<gml:pos> ... </gml:pos> [1]
<gml:pointProperty> ... </gml:pointProperty> [1]
End Choice
End Group: gml:geometricPositionGroup
End Choice
h2003736271 h-1299274283
Schema Component Representation
<group name="geometricPositionListGroup">
<element ref=" gml:posList "/>
<group ref=" gml:geometricPositionGroup " maxOccurs="unbounded"/>