Giorgio Agugiaro
Assistant Professor
Short Bio
- Since 2018/08: Assistant professor (Tenure track) @ Delft University of Technology, 3D Geoinformation group
- 2020/02 - 2020/03: Visiting researcher @ Ordnance Survey, Southampton, UK (VOLTA project)
- 2014/03 - 2018/07: Researcher @ Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Digital Resilient Cities and Regions research unit, Vienna, Austria
- 2010/05 - 2014/02: Researcher @ Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), 3D Optical metrology research unit (3DOM), Trento, Italy
- 2013/03 - 2013/09: Visiting researcher @ Technische Universität München (TUM), Chair of Geoinformatics, Munich, Germany
- 2004/12 - 2010/03: Research and teaching assistant @ Università di Padova, Laboratory of Surveying and Geomatics (LRG), Padova, Italy
- 2006/01 - 2009/07: PhD Student @ University of Padova and Technische Universität Berlin (TUB), Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformation Science (IGG), Berlin, Germany
- 2003/10 - 2004/11: Post-graduate degree in "Planning of infrastructures in the framework of territorial planning", University of Padova
- 1996-2002: University of Padova, MSc degree in Environmental Engineering, Padova, Italy
- 2000-2001: Universität für Bodenkultur, Vienna, Austria (Erasmus-Socrates programme)
Research interests
My main research interests are in the field of Geographical Information Systems and spatial data integration, with particular focus on semantic 3D city models and their energy-related topics. Some of my research topics deal, for example, with the development of an information model to manage and exchange semantically-enriched multi-resolution 3D urban data for urban energy planning. More in general, having a semantic 3D city model as background, the idea is to foster software integration to allow complex urban system simulations and close (or reduce) the gap between geo-information and simulation.
Scientific events
- 2025/09 CISBAT 2025, Lausanne, Switzerland (Scientific Committee)
- 2025/09 20th 3DGeoInfo 2025, Tokyo, Japan (Scientific Committee)
- 2025/09 Smart Data and Smart Cities 2025, Tokyo, Japan (Scientific Committee)
- 2025/04 FIG Working Week 2025, Brispane, Australia (Scientific Committee)
- 2025/04 4th 4TU/14UAS Research Day on “Digitalization of the Built Environment”, Groningen, Netherlands (Scientific Committee)
- 2024/10 ISPRS Technical Commission IV Midterm Symposium, Perth, Australia (Scientific committee)
- 2024/07 19th 3DGeoInfo 2024, Vigo, Spain (Scientific Committee)
- 2024/06 Smart Data and Smart Cities 2024, Athens, Greece (Scientific Committee)
- 2024/04 3rd 4TU/14UAS Research Day on “Digitalization of the Built Environment”, Delft, Netherlands (Organising Committee)
- 2023/09 18th 3DGeoInfo 2023, Munich, Germany (Scientific Committee)
- 2023/09 CISBAT 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland (Scientific Committee)
- 2023/05 FIG Working Week 2023, Orlando, USA (Scientific Committee)
- 2023/03 2nd 4TU/14UAS Research Day on “Digitalization of the Built Environment”, Eindhoven, Netherlands (Scientific Committee)
- 2022/10 17th 3DGeoInfo 2022, Sydney, Australia (Scientific Committee)
- 2022/10 Smart Data and Smart Cities 2022, Sydney, Australia (Scientific Committee)
- 2022/09 XXVII FIG Congress, Warsaw, Poland (Scientific Committee)
- 2022/06 XXIV ISPRS Congress, Nice, France (WG IV/10 Chair)
- 2022/04 1st 4TU/14UAS Research Day on “Digitalization of the Built Environment”, Enschede, Netherlands (Organising Committee)
- 2021/09 Smart Data and Smart Cities 2021, Stuttgart, Germany (Programme Committee)
- 2021/07 XXIV ISPRS Congress - Digital Event, Nice, France (WG IV/10 Chair)
- 2020/09 Smart Data and Smart Cities 2020, Nice, France (Scientific Committee)
- 2020/09 3rd Int. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for 3D Big Spatial Data Processing, Bratislava, Slovakia (Scientific Committee)
- 2020/09 15th 3DGeoInfo 2020, London, UK (Scientific Committee)
- 2020/08 XXIV ISPRS 2020 Digital Event, Nice, France (WG IV/10 Chair)
- 2019/12 2nd Int. Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for 3D Big Spatial Data Processing, San Diego, California, USA (Scientific Committee)
- 2019/09 Smart Data and Smart Cities 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malesia (Scientific Committee)
- 2019/09 14th 3DGeoInfo 2019, Singapore (Scientific committee)
- 2019/06 ISPRS GeoSpatial Week 2019 (GeoSmartApps Workshop), Enschede, Netherlands (Chair)
- 2018/12 10th Int. Workshop on the CityGML Energy ADE, Delft (Organiser)
- 2018/10 13th 3DGeoInfo 2018, Delft, Netherlands (Organising committee)
- 2018/10 ISPRS Technical Commission IV Midterm Symposium, Delft, Netherlands (ISPRS Organising committee)
- 2018/10 Smart Data and Smart Cities 2018, Delft, Netherlands (Scientific Committee)
- 2017/10 Smart Data and Smart Cities 2017, Puebla, Mexico (Co-chair)
- 2017/06 3rd Int. Workshop on the CityGML Utility Network ADE, Vienna, Austria (Organiser)
- 2016/05 6th Int. Workshop on the CityGML Energy ADE, Vienna, Austria (Organiser)
- 2011/03 4th ISPRS Int. Workshop 3D-ARCH 2011, Trento, Italy (Local Committee)
- 2024-2025
- Geographical Information Systems and Digital Cartography (GEO1002)
- Geomatics as support for energy applications (GEO5014)
- Geo Database Management Systems (GEO1006, Contribution)
- 3D Modelling (2024-1A), Guest lecturer @ University of Twente, Enschede, NL
- Graduation Studio Cross Domain City of the Future (AR3CS100, Contribution)
- Architectural Design Crossovers Graduation Studio (AR3DC100, Contribution)
- 2023-2024
- Geographical Information Systems and Digital Cartography (GEO1002)
- Geomatics as support for energy applications (GEO5014)
- Synthesis project (GEO1101, Contribution)
- Geo Database Management Systems (GEO1006, Contribution)
- 3D Modelling (2023-1A), Guest lecturer @ University of Twente, Enschede, NL
- Graduation Studio Cross Domain City of the Future (AR3CS100, Contribution)
- Architectural Design Crossovers Graduation Studio (AR3DC100, Contribution)
- 2022-2023
- Geographical Information Systems and Digital Cartography (GEO1002)
- Geomatics as support for energy applications (GEO5014)
- Geo Database Management Systems (GEO1006, Contribution)
- 3D Modelling (2022-1A), Guest lecturer @ University of Twente, Enschede, NL
- Graduation Studio Cross Domain City of the Future (AR3CS100, Contribution)
- Architectural Design Crossovers Graduation Studio (AR3DC100, Contribution)
- 2021-2022
- Geographical Information Systems and Digital Cartography (GEO1002)
- Geomatics as support for energy applications (GEO5014)
- 3D Modelling (2021-1A), Guest lecturer @ University of Twente, Enschede, NL
- Graduation Studio Cross Domain City of the Future (AR3CS100, Contribution)
- Architectural Design Crossovers Graduation Studio (AR3DC100, Contribution)
- 2020-2021
- Geographical Information Systems and Digital Cartography (GEO1002)
- Geomatics as support for energy applications (GEO5014)
- Synthesis project (GEO1101, Contribution)
- 3D Modelling (2020-1A), Guest lecturer @ University of Twente, Enschede, NL
- Graduation Studio Cross Domain City of the Future (AR3CS100, Contribution)
- Architectural Design Crossovers Graduation Studio (AR3DC100, Contribution)
- 2019-2020
- Geographical Information Systems and Digital Cartography (GEO1002)
- 3D city modelling for urban applications (GEO5013)
- Gebieds(her)ontwikkeling in het Metropolitane Landschap (BK6ON5, Contribution)
- 3D Modelling (2019-1A), Guest lecturer @ University of Twente, Enschede, NL
- 2018-2019
- Geographical Information Systems and Digital Cartography (GEO1002)
- Synthesis project (GEO1101, Contribution)
- Geo Datasets and Quality (GEO1008, Contribution)
- Seminar Cross Domain City of the Future (AR3CS070, Contribution)
- 2014-2018 @ AIT
- Lectures, seminars and training courses on CityGML and Energy ADE (in English and Italian). Please refer to the section containing my presentations for more details and links.
- 2013 @ TU Munich
- Selected lectures within the course Geoinformatics III (in German)
- 2010-2014 @ FBK
- Lectures, seminars and summer schools on GIS, 3D surveying and 3D modelling, organised by 3DOM (in English, German, and Italian). Please refer to the section containing my presentations for more details and links.
- 2005-2010 @ University of Padova
- Course "Geographical Information Systems for environmental engineers" (in English)
- Course "GIS Laboratory for architecture engineers" (in Italian)
- Selected lectures on GPS/GNSS, laser scanning and GIS within the course "Topography for civil and environmental engineers" (in Italian)
- Selected lectures within the course "Fundamentals of GIS for architecture engineers" (in Italian)