Structure-aware building mesh simplification
Vasileios Bouzas (2019)
Some good theses that can be used as examples
Accurate, Detailed and Automatic Tree Modelling from Point Clouds
Shenglan Du (2019)
Urban building energy modeling using 3D city model and minimizing uncertainty through Bayesian inference
Cheng-Kai Wang (2018)
Using a Space Filling Curve for the Management of Dynamic Point Cloud Data in a Relational DBMS
Stella Psomadaki (2017)
Automatic enhancement of CityGML LoD2 models with interiors and its usability for net internal area determination
Roeland Boeters (2013)
A Voronoi- and surface-based approach for the automatic generation of depth-contours for hydrographic charts
Ravi Peters (2012)
Recently completed theses
We maintain a list of all the MSc Geomatics theses, and alternatively you can search in the TU Delft repository for programme:’Geomatics’.