Dear Geomatics students,

We have noticed that many of you have not filled the first questionnaire on the reproducible research yet. Those of you who have not done it yet should do so as soon as possible.

A quick reminder of all the steps that should ideally be done:

Step 1. First questionnaire (<5 minutes):

Step 2. In this web site,, you will find an introductory 5-minute video lecture to the experiment ( and 20-minute video lecture to the topic of reproducibility (

Step 3. In the same web site,, you will also find 3 self-study, self-paced assignments (in PDF format) to introduce you to the methods and tools for reproducibility research. As common questions may arise, we have setup a GitHub repo as a discussion service, to allow all students to discuss questions with regard to the assignments and the reproducibility self-assessment for your thesis.


Best regards, Rusne