Please read graduation manual 2016-2017 carefully to know what you need to do. In the case, it seems some of you are not aware of the following:

Hand in the Graduation Plan to the Mentors and and send Graduation Plan to the Secretariat of the Board of Examiners at least one week before P2.

The email to use is, and don’t forget to send it directly to the chairperson of your P2, which is also the representative of the Board of Examiners. That person is listed as the 3rd one in your mytimetable entry, see this example.

For the graduation plan, see the guidelines. Basically, use the template in the Appendix 2 of the graduation manual 2016-2017 for the information needed, but for the main text, you can just write “see attached” and attach your text (written in LaTeX for example).

Your presentation is 15min, followed by 15min of questions, and then 15min for appraisal. I know, I know, that makes 45min total, and not 1h as planned. I guess “The System” is not always correct…

Good luck for the final preparations, Hugo